Grey Gecko

10kp to 'Nintendo will fail to announce a storage device for Wii, enraging the hardcore with another jovial, upbeat mass-market presentation including at least one head-scratcher peripheral'

It's never enough Bon Jovi!

Holy shit!

Nostalgia is kicking my spine...

So Spaceships next?

Wooohoo! finally! pre-E3 gloating I missed you!

Hot Damn! that's amazing!

Go 360! Show them who is the boss!

If it is not ridiculously expensive and I can actually dial numbers, then sure why not?

So close, yet so far...

Finally I understand the system!

@Zaxxon Q Blaque: It's perfect!, I'm surprised it wasn't called MAXIMUM RISKY instead!


@Thono_Sakurai: okok I got your point, chill out. I share the feeling, this is probably the year that I have played less games since the one when my SNES was squashed with a bowling ball.

Hey Vegeta what does the report says about it's videogames sale's record?