Both men and women like this are an inevitable outcome of capitalism.
Both men and women like this are an inevitable outcome of capitalism.
Don't sweat it. This is typical treatment on Jez for someone who questions/holds a different opinion from the majority. Opposing views are not tolerated.
It could go either way, I suppose.
I don't find her unpresidential. I may even vote for her, if the circumstances provide.
First off, whenever a parent of a precocious toddler says, "it's mostly him/her," you just know it is, in fact, mostly mom/dad.
I'm a man, but I have a natural frown, and people always tell me to smile or ask if I'm in a bad mood. I'm not sure its a PUA trick; I think people are just stupid.
Yeah, I mean, nearly every male character in a comedic movie is a walking stereotype, too, and almost all friendships in comedies between men display significant flaws that drive the plot. (Btw, not saying these are "good" movies, necessarily):
How do you feel about his side show bob haircut?
It struck me as saying millenials, women or men, probably don't have any clue what such a job would entail or how difficult it would be to get. 15% is real high for that particular ambition.
It's a 2 way street, though. I know many men who clamp down prematurely, and they end up gripping your fingers before you get the whole hand in there. Cue sexual puns.
Clearly a joke. I hope everyone realizes that. It made me chuckle, but I have a dark sense of humor.
I wasn't offended. It was just humorous that you literally did exactly what I was complaining about in the post. But, as you said, it was a mistake. No worries. It's all levity here, friend.
Dietary fiber, fats and proteins are the key to feeling full. Most people can't just rely on vegetables and fruits. Whole grains, healthy fats (avocado, evoo, etc.) and proteins (soy, tempeh, gluten, etc.). If someone is genuinely gluten sensitive, they will have to rely mostly on various beans, soy included. But,…
Yes. There are obnoxious vegans, just as there are obnoxious people of all categories. I'm sure the average rude, horrible customer at a restaurant is not complaining about the lack of vegan options.
I dig the catch it/kill it addition. For me, veganism was about not trashing the planet. I was more ambivalent about the humane aspect. Eating what you can catch/kill yourself seems ecologically friendly, at least compared to eating farmed/commercially caught animals.
I don't mean to be rude, but it's almost as if you did not understand the salient point of that post. You trollin'?
Family get-togethers were a nightmare for me. My aunt would constantly be wringing her hands about what I was going to eat, and I know she was trying to be considerate, but in the end, it just makes you feel like a demanding, self-entitled jerk when everyone focuses on you and your diet choices. I just wanted to be…
(Not sarcastic, ICYWW).
Yeah, I agree with you. As long as you are getting the right nutrients and enough calories, your genetics will be almost 100% to credit for height. I was just curious if there was a large, unexplained gap in height that warranted the speculation.
Pardon my curiosity, but how tall are your parents?