
He looks like he has no body hair. Like not even any fuzz on his arms. Just completely hairless.

Yes... her white white ironed shirt in that photo... and I always think of the “homespun” in Little House, the homemade clothes made from flour sacks... 

My thought too. Nothing says old west like Botox and Juvéderm, amirite?

“I told her we loved her...” oh obviously. Nice gaslighting, Gillibrand.

Please post the links!

If you can hire them for $3,500, then they aren’t worth hiring.

Did not realize that Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character in Away We Go was autobiographical. 

Hmmmm. I wonder what the secret is? Money? Confidence? Connections? That kind of thinking/world is foreign to me so I don’t know.

I bet state run nursing homes would take all y’alls books.

Sounds delightful!


Yes! And... I can see how they could Instagram their way to money, or inherit it, but how do they manage to not have it all stolen/spend it all without paying attention to where it is? 

I find it so hard to wrap my mind around how so many very rich people are completely insipid, mindless, classless fools. How? How does this happen? How do they manage to get and keep money when they are such idiots?

I was traveling in Europe with my father when I was 14 and he was 48. Multiple people assumed I was “with” him. Ick.

They expressly move there for it. I have a friend (interesting guy, but heavy and plain) who did that very thing — after an even more heavy and unattractive friend of his did it. And they both have beautiful tiny Thai wives now. The men are happy. 

Yeah it’s super weird. I don’t get it.

Me too!! I thought, “How is this old man the same age as me?” I would have guessed 10 years older.

They’re all the same. That stupid wavering voice. Can’t stand her.