You done messed up, A-Aron.
You done messed up, A-Aron.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand now Donald Trump has new ideas for the title of his office. Thanks, Barbados.
Preach. I pumped exclusively for 13 months with my first and 8 months with my second. Neither one of them could learn to latch. I shouldn’t have bought into the BREASTFEEDING OR YOU’RE A CRUEL HEATHEN BASTARD mantra. I should have just formula fed. My first one, in particular, struggled to gain weight and eat enough.…
Just making sure I understand... so Patrick Kennedy is implying that because she doesn’t have a full-time maid, or multiple maids, to open and close the curtains for her, that she has to have some kind of mechanism to open and close the curtains? Because she can’t do it herself?
I think sleep is super weird. One-third of every day is spent in a trance. During the trance, we experience multiple visions that we cannot recall upon waking. FREAKY.
LOL “reclaimed the narrative.” Okay, sure. She didn’t reclaim any narrative; no one was lying about her lip synching on SNL or using what happened to make some kind of statement about women, or musicians, or... There is no “narrative” and no big conspiracy. She was a crappy pop star who was exposed on live TV. Suck it…
True. However, why does Monica Lewinsky think anyone wants to interview her other than to ask about Bill Clinton? That is the entire source of her fame and notoriety.
Yeah it’s reeeeeeally hard to imagine mousy Janet Gaynor as a dynamic, bankable star. She seems born to play a shy shrinking violet of a woman.
Haven’t watched it yet... what about Kansas City? Is he gone from the picture?
Great! Finally a forum for me to ask a long-dormant Bulworth question.
What about this? Is this allowed?
Fuck this guy and his fucking bros.
I’ll always remember her in Hair.
When I lived in Paris I was subjected to endlessssssss harassment. All the time. It was never romantic. Everything from “I like your tits” to “Will you fuck me” to men exposing themselves and masturbating in front of me.
Seriously this. Is it possible to somehow detach Texas and set it adrift like a DeVos yacht? Asking for a friend.
Sorry to hear it. When I lived there, there was one in Lincoln Square and one in the Loop. Those are the ones I used.
When I lived in Chicago I belonged to Women’s Workout World. It’s still going strong! I think it’s a local chain.