I agree completely. I also think that there are probably some people who don’t need medicating who get medication prescribed to them and then get dependent on it.
I agree completely. I also think that there are probably some people who don’t need medicating who get medication prescribed to them and then get dependent on it.
I know. I feel the same way about anxiety/depression that I do about ADD. Do all of those kids REALLY need meds? Do all of us REALLY need anxiety/depression meds? Do some of us just need some exercise and a kick in the rear? I don’t know what the answer is.
And I always loooooved Dustin Hoffman. Why. WHY!!?!?!?
Ohhhhh you are so right.
Photo was from a modeling shoot. After he was famous.
Thanks for that link. That’s exactly what I figured she was doing.
Yeah. I read something that Kelly thought that the office she was heading up had “stagnated” = she wasn’t doing any work.
I’m going to have a rage stroke today. First an article about giant ego George Clooney and now this crap. Moby, you’re a fucking idiot. GRRRRRR. you have benefitted from wealth and fame and THIS is what you are spending your time doing? I can think of 1,000 better ways to spend your time, money and influence.
Your comment reminds me of this quote
Just here to say thank you for calling labia labia, not “vagina” or “vajayjay” or anything else that is not LABIA.
They only pick the parts they like.
On behalf of white non-pedophiles everywhere, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
He rides a horse exactly how I would expect Trump to.
When I do this, I often get an “oh you’re taking it too seriously” reaction. I disagree. I think calling women “girls” is part of a larger problem in our culture. I think if as a culture we all referred to females over the age of 18 as “women,” it would be one step towards combatting those larger issues. I bristle…
I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think that being a racist piece of crap and also being sad for your child who was bullied/having a sad child who was bullied are mutually exclusive. I don’t know what the answer is... I think that too often GoFundMes are set up in the heat of the moment. Makes me think of that…
Yeah, I think you’re probably right about that. They threw everything at the Clintons just to see what would stick. It was so hard to tell what was a legitimate beef and what was just more hype that we ended up doubting everything — including, unfortunately, the sexual assault claims. Boy who cried wolf syndrome.
True, but we also can’t excuse men seeking power today from sexual harassment claims because “Bill Clinton.” Clinton was a jerk and if he were to run for office today he would not win because of his actions. He ran for office in a different time and we can’t change how he was treated then. We can only treat him…
Oh I love Chacun Cherche Son Chat. You should see that!!! I can’t remember the title in English.