
Yeah, for me it was all the press interviews and speeches and congressional time spent legislating that one abortion clinic. As if there is nothing else in this state that needs their fucking attention.

We are on the far western side of the state, right in the middle north/south wise. We are four hours from Illinois. For women in Kansas City, there is a clinic just across the state line in Kansas, which is where everyone in this area goes.

Tell me about it.

Trolling is shitty. Cut it out.

Current Missourian here. I want you all to wrap your heads around the fact that they spent a significant amount of time and money working on this legislation to control the ONE abortion clinic left in the state. One. ONE.

Agreed. His comments are uncomfortable, but they are accurate.

I have a connection to Ainslie, and I can confirm that she is a ninny who breathlessly denied that Ailes was a lecherous piece of crap, just as I am sure she was instructed to do.

Yep, had an actual subscription for a year or two in the early 90s. Not enough erect peen. But I loved it anyway!

Holy crap: a white guy! I never would have guessed.

My point was that the use of vagina to mean vulva has reached the point where an entire generation of women who, I am sure, think they know a lot about their bodies, don’t even know the correct names for the various parts of their genitals. I will not stop pointing out that vulvas are vulvas, not vaginas, so long as

I will never surrender. The last time I commented on this issue, pretty much every single response was, “I had no idea it’s called a vulva. I thought the whole thing up to my belly button is called a vagina.” I rest my case.

OK, did anyone else take a look at that picture and think, just for a moment, that that was Val Kilmer?


Yeah, I agree. Please Give was another one of these movies.

“he’s not a daddy and the inability to make mummy/daddy jokes is yet another drag in a movie that’s all drags.”

You tease! I read “see Ted Cruz get kicked” and I was so excited that I clicked without reading the rest of the title. I’d rather just see him get kicked. A lot.

This thread reminds me of that story about Donald Jr that I read during the campaign:

This thread reminds me of that story about Donald Jr that I read during the campaign:

This thread reminds me of that story about Donald Jr that I read during the campaign: