Greg Warren

The official version of Flex isn't yet updated, but the Alpha version is, as Taylor M mentioned. You have to have previously purchased a copy of Flex 2 for the Alpha to work, though.

You don't bite into your string cheese with your teeth and rip it to shreds? Am I doing it wrong?!

I have since switched to Beyond the Whiteboard for my CrossFit tracking. There's a monthly subscription cost, but the analytics it offers are well worth it to me.

Also in Columbus, OH and the tap water is great.

Also in Columbus, OH and the tap water is great.

I loved the Commuter for looks on my 5s, but the thin plastic broke again and again just below the home button from taking it out of my back pocket. I went through three of them in a year. Otherwise, it offered great protection. I'm also disappointed by the lack of color selection in the 6+ Commuter series so far.

+1 for the Neo Hybrid; I've had it for about a week and love it.

Chase Freedom is also 5% cash back during Q4 at Amazon.

OBD-II in the US is '96 models and newer, so that wouldn't have helped. Any Autozone should have been able to read the codes for free off of an early 90's GM vehicle.

My life immediately got about 542% better when I realized that the information you consume online is predominantly made up of the 5% of each extreme view and that 90% of life actually occurs in the silent middle-ground where most of the population actually lives. If one reads the internet enough, one is liable to

If you have any home improvement projects coming up, or you just want to outfit your home with some of Home Depot's exclusive Cree LED light bulbs (also The Wirecutter's pick), do yourself a favor and keep $5 in your pocket. If you get some, be sure to save the receipt. A lot of power companies will give you a bill

Without a doubt! I've met almost all of my friends through various sand volleyball leagues around the area since I moved to Columbus.

Except the way that you are making your comment applies it as a blanket statement that ALL Americans will do this. I can assure you just from reading the other comments, that some people are financially responsible enough that they are not doing this.

Sorry, but this is a pretty ignorant comment. The goal of the article and switching to a personal loan is to save money for those who can't just pay off their entire credit card in one swoop. Switching to a personal loan with a lower interest rate will free up additional money to put toward the balance every month

Mind linking to one of the auctions you've used, or telling us one of the sellers?

Good call, I skimmed over that part of the article at that time. Headline is misleading though, since it says "every type of exercise."

This is true, but depending on your income and where you will be upon retirement, the odds are that you will be in a lower tax bracket by the time you start to access your 401(k) and will not have to pay out as much in taxes. Doubly beneficial if you are currently in a higher tax bracket by a slim margin, and this

What about lifting? No mention at all??? Fitocracy is a great community for tracking your lifting & exercise progress, and integrates with RunKeeper ( WFS).

I would agree with the steps that you have here, except that if your employer offers 401k matching, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by not wringing as much of the matching out of it as possible.

The wrench price must have been an error. Sears has now corrected the price on their website.