Gregory Haberek

As a general rule, I do not pirate games that are currently being sold and available through legal means. Period. The advent of Steam makes it very simple and easy to purchase new PC games with not too much hassle. And, thanks to the occasional Steam sales, the games can be had for extremely affordable prices (and in

Why mod a V6 when you could swap in a V8?

I was born in the 80s, and knew that we couldn’t afford much newer than that when I was approaching driving age, so I have an unhealthy want for far too many crapcans.

Suzuki X90? It has 4x4 and a transfer case

Fallout 4 somehow hits everything I’m a complete sucker for: town creation, weapon customization, “tower” defense, Sci-Fi, robots, dogs, crafting, and so much more!

X-play reunion! #G4TV

But there is a chance this is plausible if you take a few other parts into consideration.

I’m tempted to buy it just for the anonymity and privacy it bestows. Everyone knows that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

I worked in dealerships for 10 years, and oh, boy, do I have a bunch. Here’s three that come to mind from my days at GM:


Nominating this Euro sleeper, semi-serious/semi-for shnicks. Ford Mondeo MkIII ST220 Sedan (wagons also available for similar price), hear me out before you throw your lunch at the screen :P

More of these

I am not proud of making this AOTD list.

Noise, Vibration and Harshness Engineer, Harley-Davidson

Wow, "Do The Bartman"... That really takes me back..., strange glass, 4 speed auto, 0-60 in the low 7s, oversized spoiler, interior covered in a sea of cheap plastic, metal sunroof.


what do I win?

Ok, I'll play. But only with strict methodology:

I hate to be this anally-nitpicky, but portals are oval, not perfectly round.