
The only reason Whiskey won is because Puck isn’t eligible. Stupid breedists!

I really liked the Chesapeake bay retriever but he was a bit of a chunky boy.

He’s especially good at the following commands:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008.

I regret to inform you that Netflix canceled it...

And like’s gone.

I can understand the studio’s decision to give a release a try, they had the film in the can already so why not.

THANK YOU! Wahlberg is the walking monument to white male mediocrity. More talented and more attractive men deserve his inexplicable career.

Mentioned this in another thread, but it was also available VOD for a month. Why on earth release it in theatres? No one who worked on this is responsible for Spacey’s actions except Spacey, but it seems like this will only hurt everyone else who worked on the film, not Spacey, by releasing it.

Scott should have replaced Wahlberg while he was at it. Never have I seen such an aggressively mediocre, boring, un-dynamic performance. How does that guy continue to work?

You’re talking about suggestive “ghetto” names, and your company is named “Mantality”? GTFO, right now.

Three movies a month for $9.95 is still a great deal, especially here in NYC where tickets are in the $12-$15/ticket range.

Like when Mbappe just tried to walk off with the ball during stoppage time and the the Belgian players were literally shoving him to just try and get the damn ball back?

it’s but kind of black mirror-ish? like there’s a huge evil corporation everyone knows about (it’s on the news on the tv, in the papers and there are billboards and other ads for it everywhere), and the most popular show on tv is watched by 150m people every’s got that black mirror type of

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

I would have loved a Rat Pack era version of this, with Shirley MacLaine, Liza Minelli, and a peppy Nancy Sinatra.

When I saw it, the whole cast (minus Rihanna :/) surprised the audience in the theater by showing up and watching with us. I think I was too starstruck to even notice or care how about how lightweight the plot felt at times.. But it was still a fun movie and the cast is amazing.

Isn’t them looking perfect kind of the point of this whole movie? I’m in it for the hair, the makeup, the outfits.

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while but because I cannot look at him longer than 30 seconds, I am not sure how it ends. I’m sure he sticks the landing.

Alternative headline: Stinker Trailer Snowman Why?