
Well, Hippolyta is typically blonde, and the role calls for a level of physicality that might not have been realistic for a (at the time of filming) 64 year old. Also, you don’t want to muck with the establishment of a new Wonder Woman by having the old one that everyone loves right there with her.

I don’t get the purpose of this comment. Are you trying to dismiss this as nothing to worry about?

It’s pretty boring. Better Cate Blanchett movie: Notes on a Scandal.

Koontz Hardware! Now that’s a show.

True, but c’mon. Tiki Torches? What are they gonna do, lead everyone around in a Cintronella parade? This asshat is the pied piper of mosquito repellant.

Is it just Jezebel that hates him? Because if they were the reason I disliked him, then I need a notice.

Having a standard poodle is like living with Nicola Tesla. He’s ridiculously smart and useful in a lot of practical ways, but you can never get away from the fact that he’s a neurotic mess.

YES!!! They both look like Muppets, and then there’s the mascot.

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.

I figure you are trolling but honest answer looking at humanity and looking at dogs, I will gladly spend my resources on my pet.

There are anti-dog trolls now?

Are the letters blinking or should I consult with my doctor?

I love Aidy. I wish she’d get a fraction of Kate McKinnon’s publicity because she’s also an MVP on SNL. She doesn’t have to do much to make me lol.

Thanks Final Arbiter of How Festivals Be

It is known as the Copy Cat Combo.

Scientology is really not comparable to Islam, or any other established faith with centuries of history and millions upon millions of followers.

Christ Almighty, what a dysfunctional toxic waste dump. The only person I feel any sympathy at all for is Barron.

SUCH a good gif.