
Totally a PowerWheel-bodied go-cart. It’s all in what’s actually providing the structural strength. The conversion to front-rear is probably the most interesting part.

If their shop can do it, why haven’t they done it? I suspect it is just another Texan swindle. Only two things come out of Texas, liars or cheats.

That’s really fucked up and subversive. I was totally immersed and ready to share this video, and now...not.

At 6:30 this video turns into an 90 second infomercial for Dashlane!

The people parking on it have more faith in their parking brakes than I have in anything.

she’s probably hoping you like to eating out on vacation as well. just keep that in mind...

Just experienced my first Spring break as a dad. Working on a good list of my own:
1) No, you can’t just sit inside and watch cartoons all day.
2) It has not been an hour. We literally left the house 5 minutes ago.
3) Think about what you want to eat for lunch. (2 hours later) WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?! I told you

Step 1: Be Larry Kosilla.

I gave up TV for a good while, after years of slavish devotion, and then started coming back, late to this “golden age.” That time off really fucked me for caring about keeping up with new shows, though. My attention span and suspension of disbelief are pretty much gone, while my “MST-honed” irreverence for media is

It’s supposed to have LIDAR or similar sensors which detect obstacles in front of it - whether or not they’re illuminated. Part of the point of these autonomous vehicles is that they’re supposed to have better ways to detect potential problems than a human driver, and this shows that wasn’t the case.

Unavoidable my ass! Having found the video, if these self driving cars are supposed to have such sophisticated sensors it should totally have been able to detect her in time to avoid her, or at least make an attempt.

Why are you being so mean?

I only needed one tick box, FCA build quality.

Let’s see...12 grand? Almost 190k on the odo? incipient rust? An engine not well mated to its transmission? Looks like it ticks all the CP boxes.

Hell yeah dude, BOTH MILLIMETERS!

We are talking about truckers here, so the correct terminology please.


It’s nice of Georgia to remove Atlanta from the running for Amazon HQ2.

Gov. Cuomo has no concept of airport gate capacity.