
This asshole is someones neighbor. This asshole is someones co-worker. This asshole has parents. I’m glad I’ve never had the pleasure. I’m sorry to those who have to have this person in their life. Thankfully, the rest of us can ignore them going forward.

Bootstraps and Bud Light. He has neither.

Glaude is spot on...I’ll give the folks at MSNBC some credit for just shutting the fuck up and letting the man speak. More of this, less of the other bullshit.

The Toledo massacre might be worse than what happened in Bowling Green.

Fuck off Ms. Blondy

Pulled right from the Daily Caller. Classic. You sound like the uniformed fools that like to tell me all about Detroit and its history...even though they haven’t spent 2 days here in their life.

He’s certainly no Ron Mexico!

It’s like meeting a gay Republican.

Just look at that disgusting, bed bug infested rats nest. It makes Baltimore look good.

It’s Zima. It’s wine coolers. It’s Hard Lemonade. It’s alcoholic Root Beer. It’s cherry flavored cigars. It’s blueberry vape. It’s all the same shit repackaged for the newest generation of douchebags.

We need t-shirts that just say “Executive Time”

It’s because they know he’s finally leaving and they can snag their 8% tip.

Peggy Sue Got Buried

Speaking of filling old man Steve Blass still doing games? Dude sounds like he’s 9o years old. I can take about an inning of his shitty announcing.

These Americans haven’t seen a real wage increase in 30 years.

I feel like we’ve been debating health care in the US for my entire damn life with zero results. America likes to tell the world how innovative we are...yet we can’t find a solution for what every other developed country has already solved.

Spoken like a true Red Hat.

Yup...I filled in the little circle next to John Kerry’s name with the excitement of filing my taxes. I wish my Bernie loving friends could’ve mustered the same “courage” to do the same for HRC..but you know..they just couldn’t be bothered. Thanks.

100%. I was clicking on CNN throughout the hearing and they were changing their home page headline nearly every half hour. Real time reactionary journalism is nauseating...but it feeds that win/lose passion American’s seem to thrive off of. Social media is epicenter of this type of shit. Incident happens...everyone

Our country is an embarassment for all to see today. Be Best, assholes.