
“That wife of mine! Always late!”

America’s inaction on gun control, healthcare, and climate change is frustrating and exhausting...especially considering what NZ is doing just 6 days after a massacre. This makes me feel 1% better. It’s really nice to be in the 1%...albeit for a day.

Based on the comments...Biden’s only decision should be not to run.

Tucker always looks like a senior citizen in 1986 trying to understand the timer feature on the VCR.

The cute little American flag lapel pin is always an ominous sign.

The White’s...they just...don’t....stop...talking.

Speaking of Virginia...did Ralph Northam die? Oh wait...its just the news cycle that no longer cares.

No heroes, no Gods.

I absolutely adore that you believe providing health care to everyone in the richest country in the history of the world is “radical.” Wait until you see the new offerings at Applebees. Boy Howdy!

100% agree. I’m all for being critical of each candidate..but man, we’re a week into this thing and the hot takes are coming rapid fire.

She kinda dresses like one of the Little Rascals...or Shemp.

Check out the retrospective book they released last year. It’s fantastic. Art, Flyers, Photos...great stories.

New TBR record drops today!

I’m not disagreeing with your article...but why did you go? Did you expect something different?

I like Beto. I like him more than 75% of the candidates that have announced they’re running for the Democratic nomination. The majority of the criticism of him listed in the above article is valid. My “hope” is that he’s casting a wide net at the beginning to draw in more people, and more contributions...and that the

Social programs are not socialism.

Exactly. It’s the exact same thing when I meet a working/middle class person who’s anti union....or a teacher who votes Republican.

...and simply living on the planet longer doesn’t guarantee you’re smarter than anyone else. Look who’s sitting in the Oval Office. Dr. Technology.

The craziest part of this story is 1.3 million people follow this dullard. We’re a truly sad species.

I feel like Tucker Carlson would be assigned to be Jared’s Big Bro during Rush Week...or however the fuck that works. So punchable. Louie Gohmert I’d choke. Lindsey gets a slap. Jim Jordan...rolled up socks in the mouth.