Considering he still works with Jerry Seinfeld after the latter's, let's be diplomatic and call them "dating choices" in the nineties...
Considering he still works with Jerry Seinfeld after the latter's, let's be diplomatic and call them "dating choices" in the nineties...
I hope that Jack is actually a weird alien plant person.
“I murdered the shit out of a bunch of people and also I forcibly sterilized so I would never betray my bosses whilst killing said people in case I had children but I’m a monster because I can’t have kids.”
It’s kind of cute/clever that the new Hawkeye and new Black Widow are becoming best friends.
My artist went off the last session I had with her when she overheard someone call it a gun.
Yeah, unfortunately that's the image that phrase conjures in most tattooed Americans.
Oh, 100%.
“Stick and poke” (in my experience, at least) usually refers to bad tattoos done in someone's basement with a kit cobbled together by an amateur. I've been getting tattooed for the last two decades and I can't recall a single time hearing a professional (or non-crust punk) speak positively about stick and pokes.
They almost made a show about pre-orphaned Dick Grayson, which definitely wouldn't be terribly interesting.
Speaking as someone who’s spent the last five years tending bar for brunchers, brunch is awful. Especially the post-church crowd.
See literally every cop while interviewing Henry Lee Lucas.
Far From Home is a few months after Endgame and (I think) still set in 2023? No Way Home is set immediately after that, maybe 2024. He’s probably biologically 17ish and a high school senior.
Making Peter a fan of Captain America instead of Iron Man solves so many problems. Cap’s got the connections to get Peter a little bit of an upgrade; professional suit, access to material to make more compact webshooters, etc, but you don’t turn the character into Iron Man Jr.
a song that’s destined to be yet another barn-burner for Kid Rock’s primary fan base
And Xotar is a classic Justice League of America villain:
I’ll stuff cash in an envelope and throw a stamp on it before I use crypto.
Wow, this is so clever and original; have you thought about writing for comedians?
Does TenNapel get a cut, because that’s a deciding factor in whether I pay attention to this.
If the federal government didn’t subsidize the meat and dairy industry, steak, milk and cheese would be at roughly the same price point.