Greg Hyatt

I usually keep my hair long— it’s currently shoulder-length, longest was mid-chest-- and I've never gotten food in it.

Chilled glassware is a waste of time. If you're that concerned, fill the glass with ice and a little water while you mix the cocktail, dump it and pour the drink over fresh ice. Chilled glasses serve one purpose and that's to water down your drink.

You can make your own bitters very easily. In this case, take the peel of an orange or two and steep it for around 48 hours in a half cup of overproofed liquor. Strain and you’ve got bitters. You can add spices or smoke, too. It's easy to personalize. A few cloves would be delicious with this drink.

It’s insane how much work it takes to get in that shape. Rob McElhenney’s thing when he got jacked for It’s Always Sunny was great:

I’d love to be able to thumbs up/down titles to tweak my recommendations. It’s such a slog.

Are you familiar with her genesis? Geoff Johns created her in what was— I think— his first professional comics work. She’s based on and named after his sister who died on TWA 800. She’s been a central part of his JSA run and later writers kept using her, possibly because by then, Johns was very high up at DC.

Did this JSA get trapped in an alternate dimension where time didn’t pass like the comics?

I don’t think anyone should be taking their cue from the Ku Klux Klan.

Speaking of OJ and USC, her daughter took this photo:

I’d do more time if I didn’t pay a speeding ticket.

TERFs would like to remind you that men do not have a monopoly on sexism.

Now playing

I worked in a restaurant that had separate bins for recycling, compost and trash. It took a little more time, but we had to take out maybe two trash bags at the end of a Saturday brunch and dinner service.

I’d watch the hell out of that.

The only times it addressed trans issues were one or two occasions where women didn’t present as men, but would take a traditionally masculine role.  

“That’s unlikely.”

That’s a problem the show’s created, because the comic explains that Yorick shaves and pitches his voice higher while wearing the gas mask.

It wasn’t mentioned in the episode, but Hero and Yorick’s father is an English professor focused on Shakespeare, hence their names.

That’s going to be hilarious. The lobbying from the beef industry trying to keep plant-based burgers from being labeled “burgers” is so absurd and ridiculous.
