Greg Hyatt

I like the thing that Mark Waid introduced in his JLA run; that nobody thinks Superman has a secret identity.

It’s a reference to a recent(ish) comic where General Lane turned his other daughter Lucy into Superwoman, resulting in her death.

It’ll be between Lois and Lana.

Lana’s attitude change the morning after drinks with Lois is weird, right? Like, the way their glasses were focused on was definitely a plot point that’s coming up later, yeah?

He actually saves lives. Last week opened with him hearing a bridge collapse in China and him flying across the globe to save people in a non=combat scenario.

I really hope that at some point they reveal that Lana knows Clark is Superman but she doesn’t know that Lois knows and she’s just being that good about keeping his secret until she pulls out her signal watch around episode #22 and Lois pulls out hers and they both look at each other like “How did you know?” and

And instead of spending half their budget on pop songs, they’re using it on effects.

Better General Lane then the Bill Duke and the ASA.

The thing about that is there was the potential for bystander injuries, which is why Clark waited to do it until he knew his sons were in danger and immediately told General Lane that bystanders were in the area and they may need medical attention.

Geoff Johns hasn’t been ousted from DC/WB yet, so maybe he’s greenlighting as many properties as he can that will get him royalties?

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

Wait, is Cisco Vibe again? I haven’t watched this season and I know the Monitor gave him his powers back during the Crisis...

It blows my mind that they didn’t think to ask someone at DC.

Maybe he’ll be in Shang-Chi and they’re being really secretive?

I think we’re ignoring the fact that MAGGOTT IS BACK

I didn’t catch that when I looked at it the first Bonvillain did the “pencils” and Williams inked it to make it look like Lee. I don’t know. It’s a messy, messy cover.

You’re not wrong. I went and looked at it to try and figure out why and I don’t think he did more than lay it out and do some rough pencils. It’s a lot looser than his usual work and Scott Williams didn’t ink it. That’s the first time I recall seeing Lee’s work without Williams’ outside of his collaborations with Alex

Hey, you left out the part where his brain patterns were copied from a dead guy who later came back to life and then refused to have his brain scanned again to imprint on an emotionless android.

Vision literally said the data and memories were in ugh Cataract and were being blocked because the Vision was too complex for S.W.O.R.D. to remove them. And then Vision unblocked them.