Greg McMullin

Your favourite photo app irfanview also does this. Coupled with a PDF printer gives you a versatile system for either printing to file or printing to hard copy.

I was a fully paid up member of the Hotmail community for 5 years. Then I discovered that I had been paying the subs for essentialy nothing.

This is great. Anyone know where to find an equivalent for the windows command line?

Ive been using Audiopod for a couple of years. Unfortunately the recent iTunes update broke it. So until I find a satisfactory replacement I cant upgrade iTunes.

9/10! Cool. My lifehacker profile was number 3. My personal home page number 1.

All I need to switch is a program that syncs your playcounts FROM the ipod back onto your computer. Do any of these do that? I dont want to have to try every single one....

Foxmarks actualy stores your bookmarks on a page you can access go to:

I want this for ubuntu, badly! Ive used it for years on windows. Its a good support solution for the less technicaly inclined in my family. But I've switched my GF over to Ubuntu, and now when the shit hits the fan i cant use it.

Thanks to this post and the responses. I am now the first result when my name is googled. Thanks lifehacker.

I'm going to try this. Windows explorer has been annoying me for years

Is there an equivalent for windows?