
Edd’s no longer there so that cannot happen.

People seem to think that WD is owned by Mike or Edd. It isn’t and never was. It was originally the brainchild of Attaboy Productions in the UK, dreamed up by guys named Dan Allum and Michael Wood. Mike and Edd were the paid talent. Over time Edd began renting them the production shop space and gained an Associate

Edd did lots of product placement himself. I suspect after he lost his shirt on a failed garage business in the UK last year he wanted big bucks on his new contract, and Discovery told him to forget it.

Edd left of his own accord after he couldn’t get an acceptable deal after his contract expired.

I much prefer WD to Top Gear, and have ever since Top Gear lost its way and started taking itself way too seriously. From the utter foolishness they generally take part in to their often-absurd competitions I no longer find it appealing. Actually that is something WD needs to be careful of - their budgets and projects

The ATS is more along the lines of a BMW 2 or 3-series whereas this is closer to a 5-series in size. The ATS 2.0T is tossable in a way this isn’t.

This is sad but predictable to anyone who paid attention to the show’s last season in California, where it took a huge drop in quality, was often obviously contrived, and Edd often looked PO-ed. Having said that, do we expect anything different from Velocity? Their big shows - the ones many people commenting here say

That shifter is a dumpster fire. I had one for a day and never got used to tht thing. I am willing to say I think it is unsafe. In mine the stop/start function was jerky and obtrusive too. I really did not like driving the vehicle.