Greedo Died First

It’s not a “false analogy”. Gun ownership rates are not an “analogy”. They’re stats. Hard to argue with stats.

No argument there, but you miss an important point. The statistics show blacks kill other blacks at disproportionately higher rates. Why that is the case is definitely open for debate. To me, the most likely reason is simply poverty. We’ve known poverty breeds crime since forever, regardless of race. Unfortunately,

Since we’re talking about the statistical likelihood of dying a firearm-related event, WHAT ELSE IS “RELEVANT” BUT THE STATISTICS REGARDING FIREARM RELATED DEATHS?

Of course. Let’s take Chicago. Lots of gun violence there. That’s relevant. How is it possibly not?

You’re mistaken. Only men are required to do military service and not all are required to serve.

Only if you take in urban environment as the only factor. Many black males live in relatively poor parts of urban environments. Poverty and crime have always been linked.

She’s hot, but only because I have a weird Elf fetish and, seriously, look at her ears. She's a fucking elf. And I must have her!

Plus, if they GTFO, we’d get a good game to watch every week instead of the fucking Rams. Having them take up a game blows.

Yes, they are right. We’re a nation of idiots. Sad but true.

Switzerland has very high gun ownership rates, comparable to ours.Start with them.

Nothing to be proud of, dear.

To my knowledge, our Second Amendment is unique in the world. It doesn't make it politically impossible to enact gun control, but it makes it hard as hell.

Or, young black males tend to live in urban areas where violent crime is more prevalent.

Well, if you're a psych major . . .

The numbers are the numbers. If you're a black male, you should be worried about dying by a firearm. If not, statistically, you really don't have much to worry about.