
You do realize....Seacrest is in the closet. I read the article expecting it to be a male PA.

Poor Heather, this really breaks my heart for her. She has struggled for a while now; arrests, DUI and a scary trip to ER for a near accidental overdose of booze and drugs. I was a huge fan of hers for so long, bums me out to see her still hitting bottom.

Ok, when you fully UNDERSTAND the ENTIRE Constitution, come back and have a discussion. Otherwise you are simply a troll. This take is so unbelievably dumb I am mildly embarrassed for you right now.

Either that or a passionate and horribly naive person under the age of 25.

Me thinks you protest too much and how ironic that you propose elimination of Constitutionally protected right and then accuse anyone who disagrees as being a Trump supporter.

Don’t even get me started quoting statistics for handgun deaths in Chicago and Detroit so far this year.

As a grim reminder, the Colorado shooter killed 17 and seriously injured nearly 60 people. A glock and shotgun were his weapons of choice.

Eliminate the 2nd Amendment.

I don’t know a single left leaning person who believes corporations care about humans.

I feel about as badly for her as I do Michael Steele. You sell your souls to the party of the devil for what? Respect?

No, Conway is Satan’s Trophy Wife!

Don’t just support them by typing a high five on your keyboard. They have petitions, fundraisers, letter writing campaigns...all over the internet. You CAN help them without leaving your house.

THANK YOU! Came here to ask who chose the zombie pic?

Yes but according to Major “asshat” Minor there she ASKED for it.

Translation please? Preferably in the language of literacy.

Well, damn! I evidently placed my bets several years too early. During the Obama years I had placed bets with friends to see which GOP Ghoul would just come right out and say it.

Step away from the meth pipe.

I hope he shoots himself in the dick with it? Is that wrong?

That looks like the face of a man with the worlds largest collection of “furries” porn. Ick!

For a split second, I almost felt sorry for Steele. Then I realized it was minor flatulence.