
Wow, for a "comedy", this thing was seriously devoid of laughs.

Rachel Roy's entire career is thanks to her time as a Roc-A-Fella "administrative assistant".

I've never actually seen it, and while I'm sure Hamilton is a fine piece of entertainment,as a rap fan, is it just me or does all the rapping on display seem HELLA CORNY??

Yup, I love the "mood" of Pen-Ek's films. Even PLOY and HEADSHOT are worth a watch (they're uneven as a whole, IMO, but Pen-Ek's unique 'dreamy' feel to his flicks makes these worth the price of admission).

Why aren't there any POC playing the Nazi skinhead squad?

Zack Snyder to direct plz!!!

I wonder if Obama wanks to the nudie bits.

Batman Begins Again: The Rise of Martha

But how will they incorporate the phrase 'Cloverfield' in a forced way?

Shit, Old Man Speilberg isn't slowing down one bit, and I LOVE HIM FOR IT!

How a show could be so critically acclaimed and so unwatched by anyone I know (and I know A LOT of AV dorks) is beyond me.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas cameos as Sarcastic, Skateboarding Sidekick #2!

Goddammit, enough of these stupid biopics and superhero flicks, Hollywood!

Fuck, this douche has a weird lookin' face!

Fuck, this douche has a weird lookin' face!

From the headline I assumed that Snyder meant the scene was *literally* too dark. As in, the DoP forgot to switch on any lights when they were shooting the thing.

Can't hate. If my partner somehow ended up fumbling through the Hollywood system into international superstardom, I'd insist that we ride that gravy train for as long as possible!

Is the entire movie an allegory for the film industry? Because judging from the header image above, the only people who didn't get an Invitation were people of colour.