
hey try liking Steven Universe. you get radio silence for 6 months, then 5 days in a row of new ten-minute episodes, then radio silence for 6 more months, then new shit randomly shows up on their app, then they delete it, then they insist they meant to do that. then they shut up again.

yeah man why be so serious about murder, injustice, suicide, oppression, poverty, and shit? if it doesn't affect you directly, then it's cool to be as heartless, apathetic, and destructive as you want about that shit, right, man?

yeah real fucking heroes to spawn advocates who use the word "rape" so casually.

lol you're a fucking imbecile.

I was never even born!

yeah, i use photoshop/illustrator for actual things, but i use ms paint all the time as a quick and dirty scratchpad to paste, crop, and save a screenshot in like 15 seconds, occasionally with an arrow or circle around something for emphasis. photoshop is of course infinitely more powerful, but for some situations

also my daughter's name is Kaylee. but that's not weird, there are like 3 Kaylees in every 3rd grade class right now.

(his first and last name are Malcolm Reynolds … yes we are nerds. nobody notices, though! well i mean everyone notices we're nerds. nobody notices he's named after two imaginary starship captains unless we point it out)

my son's middle name is Zefram. no regrets!

Dude you are being a disingenuous thickheaded fuckface and I'm not interested in debating the minutia of the obviously true shit I've been saying. It's why I don't engage with dipshits like you in the first place.

how about the ones where they quote it directly, for starters? that's really a small aspect of what i meant, though. one of the alt-right's primary method of dismissing opposing viewpoints is to create a strawman charicature sockpuppet and have it do stupid, indefensible, debasing and humiliating shit. google image

don't fucking try to back me into a rhetorical corner by changing "generally" to "entirely". South Park alone didn't invent the alt-right, but the alt-right's perspective is consistent with the modes of thought of this cartoon (and other shows and comedians like it), and the alt right's methods of attack are hugely

who said entirety? it's one component.

attack me all you want, we both know i was correct and you were wrong. stuff we watch shapes us. moron.

the only dumb motherfucker is someone stupid enough to dismiss the importance of culture on a society. there has never in human history been a generation that wasn't shaped by the art and culture it consumed, you stupid dipshit.

unfortunately, i think it is kind of good at being funny (or used to be) (it's subjective). however, a funny person who is a cruel and destructive piece of shit is still someone i don't want to hang out with.

popular culture always has been and always will be the "moral soil out of which entire generations grow". fucking duh.

i'm a moron for being right multiple times on a thread? what a moronic statement.

[ NOTE: My first attempt at posting this was flagged automatically for using messed up slurs (that south park has used frequently). I'm reposting it slightly edited so it will hopefully go through. ]

what kind of a moron lives long enough to type something on the internet, but fails to recognize how every human is shaped by the nature of the culture they consume? too much South Park has made you literally stupid.