i accept your apology.
i accept your apology.
dude, wearing underwear is monetizing something for somebody. i watched some videos that had monetization disabled but sure, youtube got a handful of pageviews or whatever.
regardless of what you think of custody law in the U.S., for the dad to have custody instead of the biological mom means she is probably not exactly mom of the year material.
i watched some of this stuff (through third parties without monetization) and trust me it is worse than this article makes it sound. they absolutely verbally abuse these kids, particularly the youngest, and it is extremely disturbing to repeatedly see the mix of humiliation and rage on this kid's crying face, while…
human decency isn't political. stop using that term when you really just mean ethical.
hey guess what, fuckface — wanting to see fully realized female characters and pointing out ways in which women are treated as objects or infantalized isn't "political", it's basic human decency coupled with basic critical thinking.
Data was her second choice. she wanted Picard. who wouldn't??
haha what a hilariously stupid post.
i still remember finding a file called gojesus.mov on our college's newly-installed computer network in 1995.
uhm the creator had to literally threaten to kill himself to stop them from doing something stupid and fucked up. does not bode well.
yep sounds dumb.
the first volume (Preludes and Nocturnes) is both the corniest and most rote story-wise. if you make it through that you'll love the rest.
he's taking responsibility by explaining how it's not his fault.
yeah that's the opposite of an apology.
sounds like a scam.
dipshit, you are so full of crap. you wanted so badly to say balls, but you were too cowardly because you knew you'd get called out as sexist. too fucking bad you got called out anyway. you pathetic ass. equating emotional and physical abuse with letting a kid drink soda is still fucking shameful and awful and you…
What the fuck are you even talking about, you trashy fucking shitbag weirdo? Afraid of being called out as sexist for equating balls with courage too. Great, sexist as well. Not surprising!
Lol this is like claiming to be the world's greatest Candyland player. Swing the thing when the ball is close. There is nowhere near enough precision in the Wii controller to make anyone 'great' at it.
honestly i can't even fathom being such an awful human being that you would casually equate drinking soda with physical and emotional child abuse. go fuck yourself.
actually you are completely full of shit.