
He was and still is more popular than both of them.

the video itself doesn't seem to be critical of the editing. it says of course the sound editing is necessary, and of course nobody wants to watch boring, meaningless footage. the avclub description is misleading.

i grew up in Fairfax, you don't have to tell me.

he was the only likable candidate. Trump and HIllary were both fucking awful candidates hardly anyone wanted to vote for. people liked Bernie. if you don't think that's enough, you haven't been following American politics since .. i dont know, a long time. personal likability was pretty much the primary factor

she didn't excite anyone. this was known going in. it's been known since at least 2007. i don't agree that her loss was because of strategic campaign mistakes. i think the candidate was simply not very appealing, regardless of the moves of the campaign.

This loaded question is the perfect illustration of why Democrats lost and will continue to lose southern rural and working class whites. Hillary's campaign offered these people NOTHING. the whole strategy was disingenuous and mealy-mouthed, and ideologically incoherent. the bullshit centrist triangulation

Sanders would have won.

those books are boring as hell. i do not want to read 20 pages of what these dipshits had for dinner, or an epic poem of tom bombadil nonsense. it's worldbuilding! it's whimisical! it's crap.

no, internet. THIS is the best unrelesed game of the 90s: DUELIN' FIREMEN!

Fork! *kicks dog into the sun*

This is awesome.

It's adorable that you think you will have a choice in the matter ten years from now.

buying a pinball machine was one of the best decisions i've ever made. i'm up to 5 now. they tend to multiply.

yeah but every grade is either an A or an F! haha.

honestly the main problem isn't the tone of the people calling out bigotry. it is the inability of white men to take any kind of correction, suggestion, or critcism without completely freaking the fuck out.

i've heard that argument a TON but it does not bear any resemblance to reality. the truth is no matter how polite you are when trying to ask a white person to stop being insensitive, no matter how much you bend over backwards to coddle their feelings, they will likely go off the rails and call you names and double

nah i just came here specifically for the triggered "reverse racism" snowflakes. should be fun. i mean just look at the user reviews. it's like 20 "A" reviews, and 8 "F"s. nothing in between. can't wait to bask in white tears below…

i preferred Redneck Rampage. sure, the gameplay sucked, the level design sucked, and the jokes got old fast, but …

Rudy starts off your friend, though, until you overstay your welcome. then he turns evil. also he really doesn't do that much taunting. like, one fifth the amount No Good Gofers does. (I owned one for several years, just sold it for a Ghostbusters)

that's a great point. i have the same problem with the pinball machine No Good Gofers. do people REALLY like games that snicker and make fun of them, or do designers just like making them?