and yes, of course conservatives have somehow found a way to be enraged by this effort to teach kids about Autism and make kids with Autism feel more included and normal.
and yes, of course conservatives have somehow found a way to be enraged by this effort to teach kids about Autism and make kids with Autism feel more included and normal.
I've never met a rational human. I doubt one exists. Also, fuck off.
Sounds like a perfect target for my energy, actually. Fuck dipshits like him.
it's pretty pathetic that you care this much.
Yes, guy who has been trying for 3 days to come up with biting comebacks to my joke, you clearly are above caring about this.
haha sorry about your feelings.
freaking morons. all but about 3 of them had the sense to walk away. where did they think those 3 tons of snow were going to go?
that's really not true at all. i have run lots of demos hard locked at 60fps and locked at 100fps on old CRTs and it is EASY to tell the difference.
nah just the idiots who like them
Pushing Diasies had at least one corpse in every episode, often horribly mutilated in absolutely ridiculous ways, but it had exactly zero slo-mo shots of buckets of blood splattering everywhere. ugh. i hope this trailer is extremely non-representative of the show.
i'm so fucking bored of blood. i love the book but i don't really see the point of soaking it in violence. there were a large number of deaths, but they were generally weird and horrible, not Zack Snydery gore-porn.
guys, guys, relax. there's no reason to get upset. they're both overrated, manipulative, regressive shlock.
can't believe you guys left Time Chasers off this list.
shit, no, i was thinking of Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. never mind!
cram it up your five hole.
i think my favorite part of that video is when they tout "full 1080p" as a feature for these games which operate at 256x240 pixels.
i had that game. man was it clunky and dumb. there was maybe one good platformer level, the rest was just memorizing patterns so you didn't end up in dead ends on the mine cart or river thing.
even at the time, licensed themes based on movies and TV shows were generally known to be crap games. DuckTales was a real gem, though. distinct, appealing look, and good solid gameplay with lots of flow to the jumps and lots of secrets to discover. and yes, the Moon Theme is awesome!
i'll allow it.