Even when I lived in NJ/DE, I never found a need for snow tires for the maybe 10 days a year we had snow on the ground.
Even when I lived in NJ/DE, I never found a need for snow tires for the maybe 10 days a year we had snow on the ground.
It’s kind of like April 2020, where everyone ran to Walmart to buy up all the bread, milk, toilet paper and ammunition, except in most cases it’s the threat of frozen precipitation that is the harbinger of the Apocalypse instead of a virus caused by someone eating an undercooked bat.
A few come to mind:
Why is the car in front of the flag of Barbados?
Former Intrigue owner here.
When I lived in DE (a no front-plate state) my boss special ordered a Olds Aurora - beautiful dark green, tan leather interior, just about ever option...
Meanwhile, the cop who pulled him over probably passed by three meth labs and a dead hooker laying on the sidewalk.
No dice based on the 300K odometer reading alone.
Once had a cousin try to hit on my then-GF, which nearly lead to a fist fight between me and him in the front yard before my aunt (my cousin’s mother) broke it up.
There was a guy in Oaklyn NJ that had three or four ‘62 Olds Starfires in his back yard. I’d reach out to him ever few months to see if he was interested in selling any of them but I always got the same response.
I don’t want kids because I am the product of an alcoholic mother and an emotionally unavailable father, both of whom are products of equally dysfunctional marriages. No sense in passing that shit along to another generation, IMO.
I’d be smiling too if I had a ‘63 Jetfire hardtop.
Once Biden is inaugurated, he would be Commander in Chief and anyone in the military who doesn’t follow a lawful order from the CiC risks court-martial.
I know this is 3 years old, but Holy Crap!!!
I have two words for this: FUCK NO!
Sounds like the couple down the street after their divorce.
Former DE resident here, and I grew up in Pennsville, on the Jersey side of the Delaware River with the Delaware Memorial Bridge visible out my bedroom window,
Unfortunately, he’s still POTUS for 2+ more months and that is plenty of time for some dumbfuckery.
I owned three different GM-10/W-bodies over the course of 20 years