The poor assistant was living with them. What are the odds that Sharon respected that his room was his personal space, or let him be off the clock according to his contract?
The poor assistant was living with them. What are the odds that Sharon respected that his room was his personal space, or let him be off the clock according to his contract?
It is probably at least partially exaggerated, but I’ve no doubt that she fired someone for not laughing that she put them in a dangerous situation.
I know that story is so deeply horrible that I can’t imagine the depths of delusion one must be in to volunteer it.
Sharon Osbourne sounds like a nightmare person.
Please, please cancel the whole goddamn family. I cannot take another decade with these jackasses and now their progeny.
I don’t want to be mean, but I do want to cancel the Kardashians.
Obviously the jokes are awful, but as someone nearing 40 I think it’s important for people to realize (and learn from) how mainstream these sorts of jokes were not that long ago. I remember being a kid well after this special and in second grade kids played tag saying “tag, now you have AIDS.” There was a true…
If you’ve got perfectly chiseled abs, I don’t think you’re all that “brave” for posting a bikini shot on social media.
“Arturo” and “Sergio” are criminals that undermined an investigation. They need to be fired and sued to pay back the past wages they have defrauded the taxpayer of. Then arrest them for solicitation.
Haha your average Trump supporter will gladly cancel their subscription and demonize Christianity Today before they actually act like Christians.
Harvey, did you ever think that the reason you promoted women as much as you did is so you’d have a cover for your sexual misconduct? So that when someone started sniffing around, your “philanthropy” is what you could point to?
It’s the ”cool school” for the (not good enough for Cal Poly etc) kids of rich Californians to go “network” (party).
If she gets off, there will be a huge uptick in white women demanding to speak to the manager. Brace yourselves.
Don’t know how genuine Harry Styles’ comments on sexuality are (as I generally don’t trust celebrities who are trying to get attention and sell things), but his response is valid and correct. No one, celebrity or otherwise, should feel obliged to label themselves as one sexuality or another just to make other people…
Who watches the watchers? Law enforcement ONLY like bodycams when it helps prove their side ... otherwise bodycams are an infringement on their rights when they’re performing their professional duties working for the populace (or some shit like that). Municipalities can mandate and require bodycams on full time but…
I finished it yesterday. It’s decent if you can get through the first hour and a half or so that they’re trying to get you to play along and pretend that DeNiro is in any way convincing as a guy in his late 30s or early 40s.
Lisa Bloom, do fuck off. I don’t care who you’re representing during your little redemption scam.
Because only illegal things are newsworthy? WTF
They didn’t tweet about it. This is investigative reporting. And its valuable. With reporting like this, potential employees can make informed decisions about a company they might work for.
“Andrew emailed: “Let me know when we can talk. Got some specific questions to ask you about Virginia Roberts.”