
I can understand this. Close members of my family have been dealing with chronic health issues for years now, and remain (despite test after test after test) undiagnosed. A diagnosis gives you a direction, reassurance that you’re not just going bonkers or are somehow weak or lazy. I’m glad she’s found strength in

My heart aches for these women and all victims of sexual assault. It’s heartbreaking reading that all these powerful men got away with for so long. And some still do! Wishing everyone peace, love and healing

Gotta say as a straight woman listening to Different Drum back in the day, that line never struck me as strange. While I wouldn’t have called a man pretty as a compliment, in the song it just made sense because it rhymed.

In retrospect I would have picked Mike Nesmith. Heir to the LiquidPaper fortune, and an incredibly talented songwriter who wrote some of the Monkees’ hits. He also wrote “Different Drum,” made hugely famous by a young Linda Ronstadt. A nice little coda about “Different Drum”: It was meant to be sung by a man (“I ain’t

Now playing

The Monkees were a criminally underrated band, but sadly nobody ever wanted to be Peter’s imaginary GF back in the day. I always just choose Mickey right away wanting no part in fighting over Davy. Someone else would pick Mike using the same logic. That left whoever lost the battle for Davy with Peter.

All I have to say is screw all of the people using the word “lynching”. The Jackson family, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby compared their circumstances to a “public lynching” (as opposed to a “private lynching?”) and Roger Stone says “legal lynching”. No, too many people died from actual lynching while all these mofos got or

Are you? If Baldwin had tweeted vague threats toward the president, he would likely get a friendly visit from the federales. Meanwhile the president has access to millions of violent, armed xenophobes who have shown a willingness to physically harm for him. 

If she wasn’t standing next to Trump, I never would have guessed that was Melania. I think that’s the first genuine smile I’ve seen on her

Not sure if this is where the term was first coined, but it’s widely used by animal shelters and other rescue organizations to communicate that they want all of the animals in their care to be adopted only into homes where the owner is serious about caring for them for the rest of their lives (rather than giving it

If you link to the article on Bill Cosby, it ends with a line about how he is not filled with regret in prison because he has done nothing wrong.... to which I say FUCK BILL COSBY.

I 100% believe the victims. I always have. I change the station if one of his songs comes on the radio.

I personally consider Jackson’s crimes and the fact that he never faced justice shameful, but to each their own idea of “shameful”, I guess.

Yeah the jackson family wants a meeting with HBO. And a few bags of money.

Do you think Sia will give me partial credit for the 8 pizzas I dropped off at the local homeless shelter last night? We had a lot of bad orders last night, and I hate to throw away good food, so it wasn’t purely charitable.

Long live the elephant seals! They have earned that beach.

Sure, he had sex with children but he’s dead now so it’s fine.

Jermaine... it ain’t about Michael. It ain’t about your family. It’s about the victims and what they need for closure, not you.

Sorry that the most famous member of your famously fucked up family was a child molester.  You should start dealing with that, Jermaine.  Privately.

He is dead. He is at rest. Nobody’s making his corpse do anything.

Since recently discovering Love Island on Hulu, I have been talking non-stop about it to anyone who will listen. As someone who has never found an interest in shows like KUWTK or The Bachelor or Real Housewives, this show has got me hook, line and sinker. I tell myself I am watching it the show itself is a