It is long overdue, MD. I am sick to death of the praise she receives on this site.
It is long overdue, MD. I am sick to death of the praise she receives on this site.
Not often you get to say good job MTV.
...AND apparently the son was raped in this movie, as though this whole situation weren’t already disturbing enough on plenty of other levels.
Non-consensual sex is illegal pretty much everywhere though.
I’m being sexist because I reported how things are at my workplace? ROTFL. FFS, no one expected thm to be that way bc of their gender. They are that way bc they choose to be that way.
People are asking what this means for #MeToo. It means it’s doing its job.
Right after Bourdain died there were reports that his friends thought maybe Argento hadn’t been such a good influence on him. It didn’t help that they were mostly men or that they seemed to really side with and love his ex-wife. The blowback was swift, and at the time seemed justified.
She and Anthony Bourdain had a big fight the night he killed himself. She posted passive-aggressive stuff about it. It makes me wonder if he found out about this. He had stood beside her so staunchly. I can only imagine how it would feel to find out she had paid off someone she had abused.
Is this part of the cycle of…
This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think…
If the younger person didn’t consent, no matter how “awesome “ the older person might be , then it is some form of assault.
I’m a bit afraid to express this opinion, but upon reading the story, the first thing that came to mind was to wonder if Bourdain found out about this? He had been a very vocal supporter of her case. While we might be disappointed to learn about the allegations, a partner might feel lied to or betrayed. If there are…
Uggghhhhhhhnnnnfff. This is why I hate it when people say, “Women should be in charge of everything.” Nope. Women can be shitty too.
Abuse begets abuse.
They think this is what they deserve. They’ve taken the kool-aid and believe these human beings are animals, varmints, invaders that need to be exterminated. And they will be.
This shit is ridiculous and has got to stop. This is not justice for anyone on any level. I’m becoming more and more embarrassed that this is my country.
Yup. This line really says it all to me: ‘“People know that she is very friendly and open and crosses traditional boundaries in relationships with her students,””
It’s the new American “capitalism.” We privatize gains and socialize losses. We use tax dollars to bail out banks that are too big to fail and subsidize all kinds of industries while simultaneously cutting corporate taxes.
This is why I hate this ridiculous concept of “teamwork” in the workplace.