Very American Opinion Maker

I love the crowd questions regarding the Marine’s tour of service:

Meh, their attempt to smear Mueller as a sexual assaulter didn’t get any traction, and this Warren smear was somehow more farcical than that.

Fragile writer! The usual.

At first I thought the heckler was the true hero of this story. But no, Liz had to come gliding down from heaven on gossamer wings to deliver the coup de grace.

What the hell are you doing in the grays?!

They just made nerdy ol’ Elizabeth Warren zoom up about 27 points on the coolness scale.

He hints at it. “I got bikers”

I at least understand Biden’s issue in Ukraine, but what is the deal with China?

Right, like, in their minds the problem isn’t what Trump did, it’s that they don’t have their lies properly coordinated? Fuck these guys.

Pence is straight up “I don’t know her” -ing. Hmm.

Isn’t a lack of respect for personal space one of the signs of a sociopath? Trump really had to reach to grab his knee, which makes it even creepier. Normal people don’t try that hard to paw at the legs of other people.

NOTE: If you don’t care, say you don’t care. WAY easier and more defensible than denying objective reality that can be backed up by virtue of being OBJECTIVE FUCKING REALITY YOU GODDAMNED FUCKHEADS.

The only reason I disagree with you is that Trump clearly enjoys having a forum in which it’s ambiguous whether he is speaking in his capacity as citizen or as Commander-in-Chief. “Adam Schiff should be arrested for treason”? That’s just Trump offering his personal opinion, he can’t be held responsible for that.

He also got the number wrong, because the Electoral College has 538 electors: 435 (one for each Representative) + 100 (one for each Senator) + 3 (D.C. gets the same number as the least populous state). So 223 should be 232.

I find a good rule of thumb with toxic narcissists is that when they employ DARVO (Denial, Anger, Reverse Victim/aggressor Order) the thing they cite as the thing they are angry about being done to them is in fact a true statement about what they did to others. So when he says “IT’S A COUP!” in response to a legal impe

Finally. Well, he couldn’t pretend much longer, since it was already revealed he was on it. Martha called him out point blank and he gives that arrogant, snide, dismissive little laugh. Scum.

trump lacks homer’s sense of wonder 

“two American officials with knowledge of the call,”