
“I support a lot of things on the left but—if I’m being real—I also believe you gotta win.”

When will you give us a break tho

I’d say quitting social media and walking away shows more strength than most of us have.

You know, I just went back and watched Empire again, and it struck me how much it subverted A New Hope, and what we’d come to expect out of stories like the fantasy fairy tale that Episode IV was. The heroes fight to beat the bad guys? No, the heroes fight to stay alive long enough to escape. The hero gets the girl?

Phrasing it that way makes it seem like the movie behaved as a didactic scold. It completely answered the questions, and did so through the same adventure storytelling the movies have always done. Some folks may have not liked the answers, but that’s more a product of preconceived ideas than any failure of the movie.

I loved the subversion of The Last Jedi. I loved the headfake with Snoke. The combined Rey/Kylo fight was great Star Wars choreography. Luke as a burned out hippie who lived to see everything he dedicated himself to be twisted back on itself is a logical outcome that was have real world examples of. Saying Rey’s

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Please do not use them to shit on other people’s suggestions or to bitch about the list. Kay, thanks!

That’s cute that you think young “Democrats” are responsible for this nonsense.

You could’ve just asked people in the breakroom - educated, reasonably informed multiracial group of millennial people on the left - why they didn’t support her for president. They didn’t - we didn’t. “Kamala is a cop” was widely understood to be shorthand referencing her prosecutorial record instead of just a low-info

Obama and his family are much better off financially because he was President.  Let’s not pretend being in office is some sort of civil servant thankless job.  You become President and you are set for life.

You’re mostly correct but it isn’t even close to the most thankless job there is.

Hello, we are currently down people and yet five of us will be on tonight liveblogging and writing about the debates as ever. One post does not signal a change in editorial strategy! I realize and sympathize that there is a temptation to believe that we are flipping the switch given all the recent fuckery yonder, but

The comments on the original Jez article were a shameful cesspool of white feminism. SO many Jezzies were defending these white female authors piling on a grad student for suggesting that Dessen’s milquetoast YA novels may not have been the best choice for collegiate readers and that a book about discrimination in the

(1) He didn’t “rewrite the constitution” so he could be re-elected forever. He petitioned the highest court in Bolivia, a duly constituted court, to rule that the then-existing term limits were invalid, and that court, fully within its authority, ruled that, in fact, those term limits were invalid. Was it some

“Vanessa Añez was subtler, holding up the Bolivian flag in light of the recent U.S.-supported coup against now-former President Evo Morales.”

How sad is your life to take the time to write all this shit. I couldn’t bother myself to read it entirely.

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

>A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.

One of those “unintended consequences” that Sandberg referred to? A survey by the Lean In Foundation and Survey Monkey, according to Sandberg, found that “60 percent of male managers in the United States are not willing right now, are nervous, about having a one-on-one interaction with a woman.” Per Variety,

Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?

This has blown my mind.