0.1 percenter problems
0.1 percenter problems
Let’s compromise and say it was a Russian!!
Nail ====> Head
Because men are stronger and more assertive than the little women????
You have to have “beach-ball sized lady nuts” to enjoy the show!
Personally, I blame Bush for the Walking Dead losing its viewers!
I think they are the offspring of the Gen Xer’s. The boomers are their grandparents.
When you start out by suing a black institution because you are white and then portray yourself as a “black” to get a job, that is harmful to other people. Jenner has not done anything to harm anyone else. That is why Dolezal is more troubling than Jenner.
Because Ra-Ra is a hypocritical opportunist and Caitlyn Jenner does not seem to be (although the Kardashian connection is troubling). Ra-Ra sued Howard University for discrimination when she was white. And when it benefited her to be a minority, she changes her skin and becomes black.
But not when you are flying a private plane and driving cars!
He is 74. He probably shouldn’t be driving a car, much less, flying a plane.
Of course you do. Huff Post is the competition for a liberal viewpoint. Tear down the competition at all times!
Maybe he wasn’t really talking about all Jews, but only the ones that aren’t popular, like Netanyahu or anyone who supports the Jewish settlements! Maybe that would be ok? amirite????
Just don’t slip and fall against that wall!
Just don’t slip and fall against that wall!
This blog will educate you: https://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/
...unless he can beat Trump, then tallyho!!!
It’s only a 3 cup rice cooker unfortunately. I need a 5 cup minimum for the family.
It’s only a 3 cup rice cooker unfortunately. I need a 5 cup minimum for the family.
Maybe the Russians hacked her calendar and removed all of the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania campaign stops.
Why didn’t Sanders attack her on the emails from the beginning? After he started attacking, he didn’t lose a primary until CA, by then it was too late and she was anointed.
Very simple. Move democrat voters out of CA and NY into middle America if you want an electoral victory. They don’t need to be segregated away in their own communities.