
Maybe the Democrats should desegregate California and New York and bus more liberals into the other parts of the country. Then you won’t have to worry about the electoral college.

I think the Russians must have hacked her calendar and removed all of the scheduled campaign stops to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania!

He lowered his shoulder right before hitting her. Completely intentional.

I think the Russians hacked Hillary’s calendar so that she couldn’t schedule campaign stops in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania!

Time to bend the knee!

Is he still living in the U.S.?

Unfortunately, it is becoming clear that for many people, fitting a category is the most qualifying trait.

“In tech, it may be sooner (if you aren’t in management) since you may no longer be as up to date on things, willing to pull all-nighters, etc.”

Yep, no one makes their own primers.

I looked it up and found Time Magazine from April 8, 1977 had the cover story “The Coming Ice Age”. I remember it was all the talk in elementary school science classes back then. Soon after, in middle school, the talk was about “acid rain”. Then it came to global warming in the 2000's and now it is the generic

And video games.

Ok, again, what does this have to do with cars? Trump’s web of businesses are not about cars. I understand you are salty about the election results, but cars???

I think the key word is “know the sellers”. No one would know some guy who grabbed the bucket off the street.

“I recently took 90 days off,” Selena Gomez explains

Who would buy a gold bar with no identifiable marks? Anyone that had that money would suspect you are trying to scam them. Just add a little lead and that pure gold bar is not so pure anymore.

Most ballparks have their ground rules which rule on certain situations. I know that at the old Houston Astrodome, if you hit the ceiling, then it was ruled an automatic ground rule double. Probably the same rules are here as well. That is why there was no argument from the manager or player.

True, and what about click-bait titles? The content may be correct, but the title may not have anything to do with the actual story.

And I think that is the issue. How does Facebook handle a story with mostly facts, but a few falsehoods or exaggerations sprinkled in? I agree that the cut and dry false stories (Trump won the popular vote) should be removed, but it would be very difficult to review every single story that is posted.

How does Facebook determine what is fake vs someone’s political opinion? There is a lot of gray area in between fact and opinion.

Because where are the unemployed Gawker writers going to go?