Green Eyed Realist

They’ll probably hand out electoral maps before the hearings.

My husband is more conservative than I am (most people are) and even HE has a crush on NPH. LOL

I’m going to disagree, respectfully. I think there is that hard-core 20% of RWNJ that wouldn’t care if the CNN anchors, AC specifically, licked Trumps shoes, agreed with the WH surrogates’ batshit crazy statements, and basically groveled for acceptance - if it’s not on Breitbart or Fox, it won’t matter. The other 25%

That’s the whole point of raising them to be strong, independent citizens. So they can get their own fucking breakfast. :)

“I was on your show often this fall discussing winning Michigan and how we were going to do it”


Oh God, I look like I’ve had a stroke after running (well, now I walk because I have rheumatoid arthritis and my knees and ankles went on permanent strike and basically said, “Fuck you, we don’t run anymore.”) Even when I don’t exercise, if it’s 85, I get the boob sweat and my face is red and I fantasize about the

I thought the exact same thing. The dress - in terms of general pattern - is a great look on her, and gorgeous. I’m just 100% positive I’d boil to death in a latex dress and just be a hot mess by the time I got up on stage.

Fine, then they can either not attend, gather in the corner, or stay for a while then leave and go to a club. Stuffing 30 people into the bathroom at the Met (which isn’t big to begin with) so that nobody else can get in there and smoking in a building full of art that is 1-1,000+ years old is infantile and entitled.

They have no fucking clue. Not one. In a twisted, perverse way, I’d almost like this bill to go into effect immediately and for it to then immediately bite them in the ass. Then I’d sit back and laugh. Oh, and I’d also point it out to them, every time I heard one of them utter a single word about it.

I HATE these people. I am physically sick over this. They wheel carts of Budweiser into the Capital for their celebration while I have friends who are panicking that they will lose the health insurance that they finally got. I hope every one of these assholes richly reaps the Karma they have sown today.

We tried. I will never claim to have been the perfect parent. I made a shit-ton of mistakes, but I sure as hell tried.

Well, he signs a LOT of EOs. Just saying.

despite what a complete anus full of frogs he may be

If she actually wanted to get out, she has him over a barrel right now and should take advantage of it. More than half of the country will be rolling with laughter, but the other half will be all, “Poor Donnie! That bad woman left you and took your son.” He could give her alimony and child support (over and above the

My kids pull that shit. WTF? I taught you several crucial things: how to use your brain, how to be kind but to stand the fuck up for yourself, that you should always have a cat, how to take care of yourself and not depend on someone else to do it for you, how to use your education to do all of that (<——-), how to use

Also? Not backlit, as I stupidly rediscovered last week when I climbed into bed with a hard copy of a book I was re-reading before the new book in the series dropped onto my Kindle. (The Husband was already asleep, so I often read without a light on, just using my Kindle backlighting.) Not possible with a paper book.

I have such a fear of my phone battery dying that I have an external battery pack/case (mophie brand) that charges my phone twice more without plugging it in. It’s not entirely because I’m hopelessly addicted, but because I travel for work, and that beast is GPS, email, internet hot spot for my computer 9 hours a day

Pound purries are my favorite things. These are my boys, except that Oswald (the black and white kitty) died in December of kidney disease and I don’t have any pictures of just Bob and Emmett together. (We’re still sad.)

Please consider adding domestic short/medium/long-haired cats to your lists. (Can also be listed as “pound purries.”) Please and thank you.