Green Eyed Realist

I don’t run fevers any more, but I did, and I also had very extreme anemia of chronic disease - my hemoglobin was around 6.0 (normal is 12-16) so I had 9-10 transfusions. I haven’t had one since they made the diagnosis and started the meds, though. (My rheumatoid factor is normal, but my sed rate is sky high - an

“there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we’ve done.”

They are actually stand-very-still suits.

Me too. I can basically see them from my front porch anyway. (That’s a joke, although if I drove a couple of hours, I could see Windsor, so it’s not quite as bad as Palin’s statement.) They seem nice over there. I think we’ll be fine.

First, is your cat OK? I’m a cat person, so I totally get it.

Her makeup is a total mess lately. Sometimes I’ll wear heavier eyeliner if we go out, to a party, etc., and if I (drink too much and) go to bed without taking off my makeup first, the next morning I look like Kellyanne’s makeup has been looking - smeared all over the top half of my face.

She’s three years older than I am, and I do wear makeup most days, and she looks about a hundred years older than I do. In terms of skin care regimen, mine is: soap, water, Cetaphil moisturizer, and not selling my soul in the pursuit of supporting fascist assholes. I think that last one is the real secret.

I’d like to punch that little shit right in the throat. He has this completely soulless look about him - zero expression while he spouts one lie after another. I don’t know how the average Trump voter could find him relatable in any way.

They have a deal right now for $0.99 for the first four weeks then $9.99/month, or $99/year (digital version only).

Orencia has been great for me; it’s the fourth biologic I’ve tried (Enbrel, Simponi, and Humira were first). I’ve been on it for almost three years now. Getting started on them usually requires a prior auth, which my doctor had to deal with. The absolute worst thing to deal with was the specialty pharmacy that one of

THANK YOU. I have RA and am on Orencia which knocks the shit out of my immune system. I’ve had measles vaccines multiple times in my life and don’t “convert” - show immunity - so I could technically catch it from an unvaccinated/infected person. Herd immunity protects infants who are too young to have had their

Oh for fuck’s sake.

I set my kitchen sink on fire last year. Top that. :)

Generally, I have some flexibility because I’m working multiple short-term clients at any given time and I’m home at least one day a week, and one week out of every 8 (approximately). Right now, though, I’m on a long-term project - meaning I’m here every. single. week. (through JUNE please kill me now). It’s a

going outside for an hour and just screaming to the sky “FUCK YOU GUYS” or something

My husband basically does all of that stuff anyway (except the childcare, because our girls are 22 & 24) because I work out of state 5 days a week and I’m the World’s Worst Cook. Maybe HE should strike. :)

You’ll get back to the point where you’re something other than a mom, but it’s a constant and conscious decision process. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in them and their “stuff.” For me, maintaining a sense of myself involved working - I’ve always worked, full time, even when my girls were babies. I’m not saying

I work in IT, in a fairly non-traditional (for a female) role. And I work onsite in my clients’ offices, out of state - which means that if I strike, I’m causing a big fucking problem because I’m out of the office, AND I’m essentially charging my client to do so, because they are paying my meal and lodging expenses. I

Oh, honey.

Counterpoint: No. I’d actually like to bang him like a screen door. Then talk for a while, have him make me tea AND bolognese, put on a suit and just stand there for a while so I can l can ogle him, then remove it so I can start over at step 1 again.