
Honestly I still question that though. They’ve stated there was a gay character for a while, but the way they dodged the who, I’m betting Blizzard debated on whom it would be for a long while.

No. He’s the typical shonen anime idiot hero. But probably the only one that never wins.

Now you’re just being an idiot.

NO. I *never* said I couldn’t accept that other people find enjoyment in other ways of play. That’s *your* misreading of my words. I said it “bothered” me.

You’re arguing for an outdated, narrow-minded definition that hasn’t been adequate for years, and you’re letting it distract you from the point at hand.

No, it’s not. That’s a narrow-minded interpretation that hasn’t been true for a long time. In fact, I’d argue the term “video game” lost its relevance over a decade ago. Today’s modern interactive digital experiences are more than “video” and more than “games.”

Visual stimulus is what sets these titles apart from any other genre.

If your goal is to enjoy a primarily-visual medium as well as you can, taking less-than-zero time to appreciate the visuals beyond the general atmosphere/base feeling you get after having finished is ideal.

I exceeded my internet snarkiness limit on my comment, so perhaps it is I who am the judgy one! You got a few people bristling at your comment though!

Precisely how many seconds do they have to look at the scenery to get your stamp of approval? Is it a gradient, where as they approach that number you become less “bothered?”

Boohoohoo. Some people don’t have the time to bother with watching a reflection in some lake or whatever. Who cares if you’re bothered.

People love to miss context, people love to deprive themselves of creating a stronger bond with something at the cost of time.

If you are bothered by how other people enjoy their gaming experiences then you are most likely severely mentally handicapped.

Being bothered about how other people play games says more about you than them, really. Everyone enjoys their own experience, there’s zero reason to be bothered by it. Some people like mods, some don’t. Some like speed running, others like taking their time. That’s just how it is. Different people, different methods.

ironically, this comment reads as very bitter and troll-ish.

Reddit has a few very good communities. There were a lot more under Pao’s leadership, but they’re diminishing. For example: For the longest time, the LBGTQ communities were actually extremely good.

Gawkmodo, where speech is free as long as it fits the approved narrative.

Gizmodo: Where you can be as racist as you want as long as it’s against white males...

The CEO of a major website is secretly editing people’s posts? Sad!

I know the web shooters and the formula are major parts of Parker’s science wiz persona but straight up I always found it silly that someone who gets the abilities of a spider wouldn’t inherit pretty much the defining ability of spiders. I am definitely pro organic web.