
@anteup lost her pizazz: 56! And kudos to you for not giving up on the math. My younger sister is dyslexic, but we only found out after hours and hours of trying to drill her with her multiplication tables. She's not all that fond of math—wants to be an artist—but still, awesome for you :)

@CrazyLegsMeg: Yeah, I'd say that about sums it up. Note to self: remember to say "I love being almost naked" next time someone questions my bikininess.

I like the way I look in a swimsuit.


@Mirari: speaking as a different high school girl who is going to prom without a male date, thank you for this.

We analyzed this ad in my a.p. english language class last week. It was interesting- the class was pretty split. I personally liked the add- I thought it removed the glamour from pregnancy. Other kids thought the concept was ridiculous, that it talked down to poorer teens, and that it was pretentious. The only

@MissKittyFantastico: it's good to know there's somebody out there who got through this phase (being a total nerd in high school who now looks (I think...) semi-normal, but still can't get a prom date) and survived to be a socially acceptable adult.

@curiousgeorgiana: Your problem is different from mine. I used to be able to reach on octave. One summer, I went away to camp, and when I got home I could reach a tenth. It took my about six months to relearn all my pieces so that I wasn't hitting ninths all the time, and I still have tendency to overshoot.

@Old Jean Gallagher: I, too, am playing that right now. And I am seventeen (granted, that's on the easier side of the pieces I play, but still, daaaaamn, that girl is good)

@Rah_power: I do "my glasses! my glasses! Scooby, I can't see without my glasses!" when it happens to me, despite that fact that I can see quite well without them.

@Jennipop: telling the kids to run up and down the stairs repeatedly to "get their endorphins flowing" is also highly ineffective. Just sayin'

@lucysnowe: I agree. I would never wear them- they'd make me 6'2", which gets a bit unmanageable, but they sure look cool.

I actually think this looks hilarious.

@lizdexia: I got into an argument a few months ago about this very topic, when a classmate equated plagiarism with rape. This classmate plans to grow up and be one of those conservative white pundits, so I wasn't particularly fond of him to begin with, but I found the rape comment jarring. Plagiarism, while bad, has

I wish this post had been written about a month ago, while I was writing my junior year thesis paper on the importance of gifted education. It would have been nice to quote a perspective from someone who'd actually been in a full day program- most of the people I was able to talk to had only a few accelerated classes,

@dj alicat: my dad works in construction, and he watches romantic comedies with the family and then cries at the end. Because, apparently, every happy ending is tear-jerkingly sweet.

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: I read it at twelve, as did my bookish friends. However, I'm reluctant to let my twelve year old sister do the same thing, just because she's so emotionally off the wall all of the time that it would make me nervous.

@quatrevingtquatre: I've read the book two or three times at this point, and I've never found it depressing. Depressing, to me anyways, is when I'm left with a feeling of hopelessness for the depravity of human kind. This story, however, left me sad for the lives that were bent, but not completely destroyed. Yes, I

@badly drawn girl: Anne Hathaway's second cousin twice removed. What do you mean you don't know who I am?