
You’re welcome! Sorry for the late reply. I hope your appointment goes well. With Maca, make sure to get gelatinized maca — just processed so starch is removed and it’s easier to digest. I saw a difference in a day or two. I’ve noticed now if I forget I’m definitely a bit more sore and achy longer before I recover

The UES? You do know that Grand Concourse in the Bronx was built because Jews couldn’t buy or rent on Park Avenue, right? And if there aren’t traditional sedars happening all over the West Side I’ll eat my hat.

I second the thyroid thing! Bloodwork shows an optimum *range* and thyroid results notoriously can show you in healthy range while you have horrible symptoms.

As someone who regularly stumps medical professionals: log your symptoms while this lasts, as well as any improvements or worsening.

And there was his horrible treatment of the HIV/AIDS crisis and the LGBTQ activists fighting for the government to help fight it.

Childcare is physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding work. Experience and reputation are extremely important, and generally (no matter how much you have) you still have to fight hard for decent pay and any kind of sick days or benefits. It’s also incredibly undervalued work, and despite my well over a decade

What. The. Fuck???

She has been on the bench much longer than either of them. I prefer to praise all of the female SCOTUS justices—I have a T-shirt with all of them on it, including Sandra Day O’Connor. 

She’s been on the bench much longer than Kagan and Sotomayor, and has a brilliant legal mind. I’m happy with our culture bending toward reverence of learned, esteemed women. That said nothing this guy does or says seems remotely deeply felt or contemplated. 

I’m sorry your cousin is such an incredible asshole! Wtf. 

I want to get his goat by watching him die in prison.

I think that’s too optimistic, the last Republican we had in office was rather far from Pence’s extremism, especially given his track record of sowing dystopia in his home state.

Oh but he didn’t listen to those tapes! They’re upsetting and too negative! (I’m fairly certain he said something to that effect about it, they had it on the radio today).

Not to mention a Saudi prince starving children in Yemen with a horrifying war we should have no part in funding.

They weren’t taboo, they were just so abundant that they were the food of the poor masses for over two hundred years, starting in colonial America. They were fed to prisoners, indentured servants, and livestock ad nauseum. Then they were remarketed as a delicacy on the railways; soon enough its the food of the rich.

My grandma served chocolate-covered ants at a party in NYC the 1970’s and didn’t tell anyone what they were until the end of the evening, apparently everyone loved them (until they found out, made her a bit infamous).

Shrimp and cockroaches are related, and interestingly I found out in my early twenties that I have a deadly allergy to the former and a moderate allergy to the latter. (Being a picky eater who, as a child, liked ocean friends too much to eat them saved me.) Basically those and two non-animal things are my only

These are sad, overly plump beasts that will die so fast no White House would ever risk the  optics.

It’s really fucking disturbing.

Yeah, the wild turkeys that would run through the yard at my grandma’s and cousins’ houses when I was growing up were very loud and very *fast* (and pretty). I feel bad for these birds.