
file under “phew”

For those who wish to look elsewhere for their magic-boarding-school fiction, may I suggest these little gems (available on Netflix):

Look, I’m not defending what Rowling said at all, but @WD21 is right. To some extent you’ve got to learn to separate the art from the artist.

I’ve disliked her for a very, very long time. She’s an utter troll when it comes to Scottish Independence - using her influence and visibility to troll people and then play the victim when she gets the inevitable backlash from some more extreme morons on Twitter, which then generally had the knock-on of sicing her

I guess JK just sorted herself into TERF House.

I also thought Gaiman handled the concept better when he wrote Books of Magic back in 1990.

This entire premise is flawed.  If you already look like Natalie Dormer, there is no need to shape shift into anything else.

“...Shadow Moon is definitely not the most interesting or even fourth most interesting character on the show...”

When you take the time to thank the former showrunners and not the current showrunner, it is pretty clear whom you think should go fuck themselves.

Ah, that is an issue and remains one. Both the ground and sea components of the Self Defense Forces (Japan’s constitutional military, effectively the country’s postwar army and navy) use the rising sun flag, or a close variation (I don’t know if the Self Defense Forces, as a whole, have any flag). This isn’t too

A plain red shirt is admittedly also much easier to animate than one with a distinct pattern like that on it.

I feel like book readers are being overtly picky on the Daemon issue. I’ve read the books, and I don’t disagree totally, but I think the importance of daemons is still getting through. I’ve talked to people who didn’t read the books and they seem to understand the importance of daemons just fine. Yeah, the books

Catsuka has dug their own digging and are attributing most of it to the director. They’ve dug up past work of his that was also used plagiarized material.

Volcan del Fuego

I was struck by how similar it is to Chicago’s “You’re the Inspiration. The piano intro, the key changes, definitely that’s part of the DNA.

Not to mention some of the job descriptions are pretty sketchy. Someone really posted “Send me Pokemon who can see the dead” and “Send me Dark Types so I look intimidating NOT FOR ILLEGAL REASONS” up there on Pokemon Craigslist.

The producers of the anime also explained why the Pokemon universes higher end jobs tend to be filled by woman. Because when children turn 10 they’re given a choice become Pokemon trainers or continue education. A lot of the boys dreaming of adventure go out and become Pokemon trainers, however due to the fact most of

Never thought I’d ever say, “I wonder if my Pokemon are back from their jobs yet” but here we are in 2019.