
I initially didn’t care when she was first revealed. But after her performance in the quest, the song has become one of my favorite pieces of Genshin Impact music. It literally gave me goosebumps when I first watched the performance in its entirety. Shenhe’s story itself is engaging, but the performance elevated it so

One of them is at Riot now lol.

There are already real world examples of it without resorting to this kind of thing. I mean..... The k-pop industry and South Korean social media has been rampant with it recently. Sure it started from real stories with evidence, but a lot have jumped on the bandwagon also, and it’s diminishing the plight of actual

Reiner is the literal plot armor titan.

I should have worded that differently, but he was literally sick during that time as well. And one of the symptoms of depression is losing a care in the world. He has since recovered and continued working, but it’s quite apparent in the original series, not withstanding the budget cuts they received. He has literally

He didn’t care enough that’s why we got episode 25 & 26. I guess he got the motivation back to sort of retcon them in the original movies, and he sort of cared enough to give the whole series a closure with 3.0+1.0. It wasn’t groundbreaking, I mean the Rebuild films for the most part aren’t, although they do sometimes

Well, what is Mondstadt if not a free city.

The games before were easily 100hour minimum games. Especially if you really want to finish the whole story. Seems like it’s the same here. I only ever finished the first one as life got in the way when Bravely Second came out. Maxing the jobs were relatively easy in BD1, as you can just auto everything. I don’t know

I thought he’d be super cringey or he’d turn out to be the villain, but he instantly became one of my favorite characters. Plus his Phantom Thief outfit is cool. Good thing recording is enabled in the Valjean reveal.

I haven’t actually used an external gpu so my knowledge on the matter is limited to what’s online. If so, then OP is right, 4K really is unrealistic. Maybe the report came from the chip spec itself and we all know that’s not exactly what console manufacturers will actually ship. Like... it theoretically could, but not

I assume there’s an added chip in the dock so it can output to 4K, only when docked. Or it could be 1440p and the report got it wrong. It may be possible that the chip itself can theoretically handle 4k but Nintendo won't necessarily have to use it. I mean Samsung phones are 1440p and even the Exynos chips can handle

Bring back M2M

Maybe she (Agatha/Pietro) was asking how Wanda was able to take control from her.

Honest question, do people really confuse Street Fighter with Mortal Kombat and vice versa?

I think the main issue with the Joy-Cons is the design of the contacts themselves. SpawnWave took them apart and surmised that the contacts deteriorate over time. That doesn't explain new units though. And I think they use those kinds of contacts to keep the Joy-Con relatively slim, so the DualSense might have a

Well you're not wrong. It's just that among all the girls, she was the only one without it if I remember correctly. The full sequence HAD to be shown at least once, ideally when the character is first introduced.

I actually forgot. I was kid when I last watched the anime. I know she wasn’t introduced until later in the series. I believe they did it off screen.

I believe her transformation sequence wasn’t shown in the original anime. She appeared in it, but I can’t remember there being a whole transformation sequence for her. I could be wrong but if I'm right, it’s important for Sailor Moon fans.

I believe she is the only one who’s complete transformation is never shown in the original anime. So it's kind of a big deal for Sailor Moon fans.

I noticed it and thought they added lines. Then found out they changed everything. I think it only feels off because we’ve gotten used to the old one so much. It’s far-fetched but the director or someone higher might have thought that Xinyan and Barbara sound too similar, since they’re voiced by the same person, that