
They actually got a major update quicker this time around. They managed to push Android 10 to most of the Note 10 series before 2019 ended. Which, AFAIK, has never happened before in their previous phones.

Also, Kyle Hyde is ♥.

Well... I guess. But it's the dynamic that probably inspired the fan artists in the first place.

Yep and Goblin Slayer up and ran with it as well, which probably explains why it became popular.

Well when Sora left, she just had to protect Corona from potentially more Heartless infestations.

They already had multiverses, they did travel to different worlds since the first game. So it isn’t unprecedented.

I agree. And it’s in stark contrast to GRRM and his vocal opinions on GoT (regardless if you liked it or not). He probably has opinions, but he did mention he deemed it best to keep it to himself. And I love how he mentions that he respects artistic expression and he shouldn’t impose to anyone, even if it was his

Lol he kinda is. And I think a tad too nationalistic (I think a lot of old Japanese people are). Still great films though.

Yeah I'm in SEA.

They're.... Very neutral, if I would describe them. At least when it comes to designs. But the animations are always top-notch and super fluid which I really like.

Oh yeah, sure. But looking at Princess Mononoke and considering when it came out, it doesn’t look *that* dated, as opposed to, say, something like NGE. I dunno, maybe I’m a bit biased here but something about their art style gives me the impression of “era neutral” or something. Sure watching something like Ponyo back

I'm in SEA so I'll be able to watch them.

It’s also very apparent in Atlus games, even if they kind of have their own style. One of the studios that doesn’t seem to change is Ghibli. So every anime they put out looks timeless and I'm very excited to watch them all on Netflix in the coming months.

Neither have I. Maybe being a psychic means high blood pressure? But that’s western media for you. I don’t think I have to explain the mental gymnastics people had to go through to explain why a nosebleed is linked to psychic powers, but that’s the “closest” logical explanation to it. Still beats nosebleeds in

Brain tumor, maybe.

I know but what’s he trying to go for? It sounds weird. Kinda like Peter Dinklage’s accent in GoT. You know he's doing one but you just can't place what he's going for.

What's with his accent?

I thought she said ronin mage. Which still doesn't make much sense, either.

I noticed Mousesack gained/lost some white hair but that’s about it. At that point I already know they’re not happening at the same time but I did love the detail they put into that.

Oh Westworld. Yeah Westworld did the disjointed storytelling better. I think mainly because Westworld was deliberate in trying to make viewers think it’s linear, and the hints are too subtle. In The Witcher, it’s subtle, but not subtle enough that you’ll miss it. In fact, they’re deliberate but only if you pay