
I re-read it recently but it turned out to be a bad idea. I was too pedantic. It seems like they’re combining Billy Costa with Tony Makarios, complete with Billy now having Ratter. Same as with the film. I forgot the events in the film but Billy Costa could end up dying. And there’s also the way Asriel showed

And suddenly everyone is a witch what with all those bird daemons.

Chuckled loudly at the guy who got close at winning bingo... But didn't. Lol. Some of these are pretty elaborate though.

We all know Dimitri will always be number 1 in Dedue's heart so...

They basically saw an Xperia 1 and thought they could go taller/wider without any regard for why the Xperia 1 was designed that way in the first place.

“Steal every last one of them!” - Dimitri Alexhonkdre Blaiddyd

Considering the Shonen x Uniqlo collab seems to be recurring and rotating various shonen manga/anime, including Naruto, this effort by MBJ and Coach seems moot.

+1 on Uniqlo collabs.

They're not the leads, either. They're secondary. Mentors for the 3 main leads.

Even $25 is expensive... Not sure how it is in the US, but over here a $15 Uniqlo shirt is already on the high side.

Noble you say? Is it as noble as LORENZ HELLMAN GLOUCESTER?

It’s because Nintendo decided to add the rewind future and other QoL things not in the original games that’s why it’s taking longer. They probably won’t release these classics as is. Hopefully in the Switch successor, since they've already added those stuff, they'll release games quicker.

Hello there Lorenz Hellman Gloucester.

Nope. They're self contained stories, save a few direct sequels in previous ones. But Three Houses is on its own.

The problem is they didn’t have to be S rank. Imaging going in unspoiled thinking you’ll end up marrying Alois as F or M Byleth but then in the end it’s a random village girl/guy. I guess it just randomly changes this time which rank is marriage.

At least being a late bloomer would have been a bit acceptable and would add nuance to a character. But what they did is just queerbaiting. You don't even end up with a guy in Alois' route. You end up straight. Imagine projecting so hard into an avatar when that happens.

Close but Alois and Gilbert is just pure queerbaiting considering up until this point S ranks are exclusive to romantic relationships.

There is.

Rehydrated at the expense of thirsty gals and gays.

You’re overusing the word censor. Slightly changing the art out of respect and empathy is not censorship. It's respect and empathy.