
They’re the noisiest ones sadly. The real problem with Pokémon and GameFreak right now is lack of communication. Which makes sense considering it might be Nintendo that has to ultimately decide. I’m not sure how much GF can decide if the game can be like Splatoon with regular updates for a year or so. Pokémon is a

Just because it isn’t as hard as a PS4 doesn’t make it easy. Square Enix, heck even Nintendo’s internal teams, both bigger teams than GameFreak, delay games on the Switch due to development issues. Because developing a game is NOT easy.

No one is saying it isn’t disappointing. I’m sure everyone on both sides are at different levels of disappointment. It’s just that the noisiest ones tend to diminish the actual effort put in making the game, while demeaning everyone involved with GameFreak. As a software developer (not game but at least it’s a similar

Thank you and to everyone else. I'm a bit more excited and less anxious now.

I’d probably cry if I have permadeath on because of how they set up the characters and how they're basically you're freaking students this time around.

Oh ok. I hope me going casual mode and not having permadeath won’t diminish the game somehow? I haven’t played games with permadeath because it makes me anxious as hell. I might try it? But until then I’m not sure if I’m ready for it.

So.... This will be my first Fire Emblem and first tactical RPG, I guess I’m going casual mode, as I probably wouldn’t be able to handle permadeath. I’m weirdly excited and anxious about it at the same time. I like the premise and the setting. Not sure if I have the know-how to be competent in this game but I hope

We need a game with just them in it.

Damn Barrett. Move over Gladiolus, there’s a new* beefcake in town.

So did I until someone else replied to my comment reminding me of it. Phantom Hourglass was pretty forgettable for me lol.

Wind Waker>Phantom Hourglass, then?

Good eye. I can’t find any mention of it anywhere else but 1920x800 I think is 2.4:1?

I love snarky shy guy

Well it has happened before with OoT>Majora’s Mask

Maybe Univisium? Which is also used by Chernobyl but it isn’t as wide so probably not.... It’s 1920x804 according to YouTube.

Isn’t that just the standard cinema wide anamorphic? 21:9? Or 2.4:1?

Oh it’s been a while since I read it and I might have missed the eye color recently when I listened to the audiobook. But I distinctly remember a lot of passages mentioning she’s blonde. I forgot if that was significant. Probably not.

One thing though, wasn't Lyra blond in the books? No issue with the current look but just a minor detail.

Finally I can listen to Somnus - Instrumental Version while looking out a window looking somber. Now I need it to rain.

29 years on this earth and people still amaze me.