
Really? All the time? So only a small percentage of Note 7's and Xbox 360's had issues huh?

If it was a flaw in the product 100% of Joy-Cons should have been affected. But they aren’t. So your “logic” fails. If you have experience in production, you do know some tiny parts sometimes don’t get included or parts get misaligned, right? That’s what happened with the Joy-Cons. Even the teardowns show this. A

Samsung’s was through and through a design problem, that’s why they had to recall ALL the units, and production had to stop altogether, because the design is the problem. Didn’t you read the report they put out? Swapping out the battery isn’t going to solve it because the design of the battery itself is the problem,

But what if it really isn’t that big of a problem? Based on online accounts a lot of people have no issues whatsoever. There’s already a discrepancy and a manufacturing snafu on some batches makes a lot of sense.

That’s more of a temporary statement as they were probably trying to figure it out first. Plus, they’re not wrong. Just....exaggerated... An aquarium can’t interfere that much, but technically, it can.

What you’re not taking into account is that a LARGE number of people DO NOT experience issues at all. If it was a design flaw, 100% of Joy-Cons would have been affected. If it was a design flaw, the issue would have been as big as Samsung’s issue with the Note 7. But it isn’t, which suggests that only a portion of the

LOL and isn’t the Desert area full of those things in the game lore too? They took it further haha.

“Original”. It’s not like the live-action Disney remakes though, so not sure if we should put it in that same class. Although it uses TOO much visuals from the anime film...

Wasn’t it also a problem for a Nintendo Treehouse employee? Everyone blamed her despite the fact that she wasn’t even involved in the translation and localization (aka censoring) of the game. She was actually in favor of keeping them as is, due to the Japanese culture... based on her social media.

I was thinking of something like a sponge or microfiber but I guess you’re right. I even saw someone putting velcro, and thought to myself.... that will be scratching the console more... particles stick to velcro like crazy. I have no idea why he didn’t just use microfiber. I would think even paper would be safer.

Every box in Zelda?

Portable fetish lol. I do understand it for MH, though, as it’s a multiplayer game and it thrives on local multiplayer, which works really well in Japan.

IMO, it really doesn’t though. The Switch still does what it does, it just opens up other modes of play. I doubt Nintendo and other big developers themselves would push handheld-only games. Nor would they push TV-only play. I mean, the PS4's image as a powerful gaming machine isn’t diminished by the F2P and indie

LOL! The game was like “Not today, motherfucker!”

Yes! In Hateno Village.

It’s in the eShop info and in the box for physical releases, a chart called “Supported play modes”, or “Play mode” in the box. 1-2 Switch greys out/leaves out handheld mode, actually, and that one’s a pretty big feature of the console, too. Honestly, it wasn’t a safe assumption the moment they announced (leaked?) that

It will probably become what the Vita should have been.

All of them. There’s a grand total of ONE game that can’t be played in TV mode, and that’s because it’s a mobile game and it only uses the touchscreen for input. Being indie doesn’t have anything to do with it....

Love all the Tomorrow Corp games. But for some reason they keep on porting the same games over and over lol. They haven’t made any new ones in a while.

Not every ninja can swim and using this, they can keep their feet underwater which would lessen the noise. Plus it can still keep some of their clothes/weapons dry. Maybe they strip down before using this?