
How did the full game become $80? As you’ve said they’re superficial and a bit weak so not really necessary for anyone to buy. If you really love the game and want new content they bothered to plan, code, and implement, and use additional resources to make it, then go buy it. Otherwise, don’t. THEY’RE NOT NECESSARY.

At least it’s their own product and not Mountain Dew or Coleman or Nissin Cup Noodles.

Attack on Titan?

What a visual treat. I just kind of wish she showed less emotion and her facial expressions more static...

And to avoid paparazzi they WILL. STAY. IN. THE. BAG.

Ryoma? I knew it. I’ve been trying to roll him in Heroes to no avail. :( My friend already got him ugh.

So you’d rather have low resolution games on your TV? 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and now Splatoon, all sell, and they’re all traditionally home console games. The Switch is fine. The Wii U ports/remasters are good games and are not the problem (Sony and some devs basically did the same thing on the PS4).

The recent SMT and Persona games were forgiving. I mean, I just had to grind.

I dunno why but I’m getting an Overwatch vibe from Arms. I hope they release more characters.

As far as depth goes, it probably isn’t a far cry from SMT and Persona? Though I’ve never been a fan of tactics before, since I didn’t like chess as a kid. I’ve literally never played one before FE Heroes. I saw my friends playing FF Tactics and Disgaea back in the day and they might have let me attack once or twice,

I’ve never played Fire Emblem but I’m *this* close to buying Awakening... or maybe Birthright because I have a huge crush on Ryoma right now.

About the fanbase thing, it’s like they’re catering to everyone. There are big breasted women and then women that look like they’re too young. And you have prettyboys, both cocky and the cool, collected types. And then muscle dudes, too.

The dudes are the worst but I do like Hawkeye and the fact that the feathers supposedly covers the nipples, but then on his “hurt” pose it reveals that there are no nipples. Plus he’s my second 5-star so I’m kind of attached, even though he’s kind of weak (he dies easily).

Which one is the husbando edition? lol

Same. I never got into tactics games and just tried this because it’s free. I’ve always been fascinated by Fire Emblem. I’m loving it so far. I wonder if this will make me buy the next Fire Emblem game for the Switch or 3DS?

Oh yeah. I liked her before and everyone else seems to hate her. But that story is new. SMH Jennifer Lawrence. I wonder if it really happened or did she just think it might be funny.

Oh the feels! That is so cool.

Thank you. Geez, now I really don’t get the hate, lol.

I think it’s more about the rumble tech though. And more precise motion. But it’s leaning more on the rumble as a lot of the mini-games feature some sort of “sensation” for anyone to get it. The sword, wizard, marble, soda, and probably the shaver too, and of course our favorite: milk. There HAS to be some amazing

On one hand, some of these seem fun, on the other hand, they’re just plain weird. This should have been a pack-in game. And whoever thought of these were high or drunk, and apparently at least one of them were horny at the time. Seriously. They probably were just handed the HD rumble and motion controls tech and asked