
And, as I should have said earlier, if you HONESTLY believe that Microsoft was going to give you ten, unlimited use digital keys to Halo 5 for $60, you're either naive, stupid or both. The only specifics that ever came out about the family plan were in a dropbox document that was posted on 4chan's /b/ board from a

But they did say you can't use the console without it being plugged in, which was true for a time.

Microsoft never revealed their Family Plan, it was a bullet point on a list that was never detailed, so you don't know that it was "for a full version of any licensed-to-profile game."

Hey Stephen, if you get the chance again - perhaps you should ask what's going with the "two gamepads, one Wii U" situation?

Doesn't matter for what Microsoft says here. I see that it says the Co-op in this manner is a PS-exclusive option.

You know what? If anything, all the doom and gloom Nintendo talk really lit a fire under their butts and got them to roll out the IP heat.

Star Fox should of done enough to seal the deal.

Damn, we got some butthurt fanboys out there. This coming from a staunch owner and supporter of the Vita. Am i the only Vita owner who isn't all that bummed about this?

I realize this was not the point of the comic but out of context it was like... this person was stuck in a marketing hell and instead of just... going outside and walking in the woods... the escape was going into a simulation of going outside and walking in the woods in one of the less repellent corners of the

No, in terms of biology/taxonomy they are very different. Crocodilians are very difficult to maintain properly in captivity, too. From what I have seen/read, they are very intelligent animals that can be trained.

I know that Cuban Crocs have been shown to develop pack tactics and can be trained to follow voice commands. So your wish has been granted.

At least it's name keeps popping up in all the Nintendo coverage/discussions I've seen, which is a good sign. I think most gamers are going to shrug it off until they look beyond the name and a single screenshot - that's the job of the game journalists and Nintendo: getting the message out that this game is unique

Calling Splatoon "Squids of Duty" really captures your ignorance.

let me introduce to you: mary croccins!

That's odd because most of the titles that have come out in the last weeks on the eshop have been third party/indie. The more substantial future titles are also indie. The problem with the large third parties isn't Nintendo not playing nice it's the third parties looking at Wii u sales numbers and deciding they aren't

If I didn't have a WiiU, I'd buy one just for Splatoon. God DAMN does that game look fun. I just watched a hands-on preview from GT and it somehow keeps sounding better and better.

Seriously, how the hell has no one come up with something this brilliant until now?

This is the worst argument I've ever read for not wanting a Wii U. It basically boils down to, "The game I wanted and everyone knew was coming didn't come out precisely when I thought it would, therefore the whole console sucks!" That doesn't make any sense.

For those interested, here is an official concept art done during the creation of Darth Vader, where he was pictured like a samurai :

should have bought a ps4

Bro, don't be jelly...