
Because you'd have to know how to use a graphic design software first. The very short answer for why it's so popular is "Because it's LEGO in a video game"

They didn't really get any better. Gen 3 is one of the lesser gens. The land is uninteresting, the lore is uninteresting and the Pokemon are uninteresting. Some people just have nostalgia glasses on because it was their first Pokemon game they played.

Some user interfaces are just criminally bad.

I don't think you know what a product is. A product is not just an object.

Having slave workers in a country where's it's legal is good business sense, does it make it any ethical?

They sold a developer kit for a product that would come out some time. Now it's just a developer kit for a product made for something entirely else and maybe won't even be usable any more.

Your link doesn't work :/

People like to hate on big companies suing other companies over things like that but I still didn't see enough to take a side in all this.

You mean like all the anime Chinese don't watch?

WashCats, that would be some serious hardcore gaming!

What do these people think? Don't they all know that there are things that you are not supposed to do on the internet if you want to keep your job?

Well... I already lighted my torch. What the hell am I supposed to do with it now? Just let it burn out?

Wait a minute?

I'm surprised they activated the comments for the Youtube video. They are... well... let's say not very positive...

"The Way of Kinja"

I just think in a logical and factual way. Titanfall is built for PC on source engine, this engine is so old you could run it on any PC cheaper than the XBox One. You can also just plug a controller in your PC, there's no hassle with drivers because they're already on windows for Xbox controllers.

Prove me wrong then. If you'd watch the video before reading comment you'd know that I am right.

No need to own an Xbox One if you want to play that game. If you want the superior version, get a PC.

Ah, damn autocorrection! I meant buried of course.