
Commenter: "Are we going to get Half Life 3?"

By racism I meant more hardcore things like using the N word and so on. I don't delete something if somebody criticizes people from another nation, even if I don't agree.

Thank god there's one person!

The guide you get when you go and work at Sony is:

He went back home to his mother to tell her how naughty the other kids were to him. Her mother is then going to phone the other mothers to tell them.

Don't worry, the Chinese minimum will be above the American one some time in the future. I'll let you judge yourself if it's a good or bad thing.

I'm talking about every single Metroid ever made, none of them sell as well as DK. Metroid is one of Nintendo's least well selling franchise.

F&$k. Love the Good. I Wii U the haters.

It's basically what they want. They want them to sacrifice 30 years of good reputation and solid games for a very quick buck on the mobile market by destroying their IP's with free to play mobile games.

Should we blame ourselves or Nintendo when most of us don't buy Metroid games?

These occasions are rare, but this is one of them. Normally it's the contrary with them, they like to fuck up things.

Beautiful what the combined effort of humanity can do.

That's the kind of game I'll get for 10$ in a sale. I knew that it would be a bad idea to preorder this game.

You approve racism?

Unfortunately they won't notice you delete their comment until they visit the page again to see it themselves. I got other ways of making people angry, and I can tell you that they're very effective.

I'm not pro-anti religion, but neither am I against people criticizing it or making fun of it.

Let's give your car a new paintjob and we'll then hear you out on your opinion about graffiti being vandalism.

Yes you can, but often people abuse it and delete others that don't agree with them. I use it against racist responses, death threats and just pure trolling.

All this is kind of funny because of the reactions we get from pro-religion side. The funniest answer I saw was something like: