
Brickster and Pepper Roni adventure pack!

Come on Lego, we all know we need to see some Lego Island love in Dimensions.

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I honestly wasn’t sure where to put this terrible amazing song in the article. It still gets stuck in my head to this very day.

I still have my copy of Harvest Moon! Bought it on day one, and still have all the packaging and inserts in mint condition.

My dad gave away a Pokémon stadium edition n64 that I had unplugged during the GameCube era.

Thanks Koopa! Sorry to hear about Harvest Moon :(

I think I’ll finally get around to Super Mario Galaxy 2. Really enjoyed the first one years ago but for some reason never played the 2nd.

That s why complaining works people.

It’s pretty obvious your two cents are irrelevant here. Move along.

This probably makes some people happy but personally I am never exited for prequels. Especially if they take place shortly before the original.

Since I already know how things will play out in the end I have a hard time staying interested in most cases. There are some exceptions but eh.

But yeah we’ll see how it’ll

What is with writers’ obsession with prequels?

Yowza does this feel like the kind of story that would be cheapened by a prequel. Does anyone need to live the specifics of Chloe’s life between when she knew Max? I feel like adding a story that is interesting enough to warrant it’s own game but somehow not interesting enough to meaningfully factor into Max and

It probably won’t shatter. The screen is made of plastic, not glass. It will be broken, sure, but in no way would it shatter like glass.

Yes, because the screen is plastic instead of glass, to avoid shattering, which is how it survives this

The world has become such a sensitive place that we must all now pick apart every utterance for some hate filled meaning.

I’m not even sure why his race needed to be addressed in the first place lol

America, I guess.

I fully intended to switch to standard controls after a few minutes of play, but I could not put down the motion controls. They were incredibly satisfying and outside of some initial hiccups where I would accidentally block, I never felt like I wasn’t in total control of what I wanted to do.

I’m curious to see if this

I have one of the Tails statutes seen briefly at 1:01. It’s surreal to see one in that setting. Never knew there was a Knuckles to match.

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It’s like a moment frozen in time. This made me tear up, Thank you Iretrogamer and Luke for showing me this! I always hope I run across videos like this from our gaming past. There’s not that many people as you think who thought of record these sort of things back in the day. Thankfully I recorded my consoles when I