Very true. We’re on a train towards renewable energy, because it makes business sense.
Very true. We’re on a train towards renewable energy, because it makes business sense.
“he” can speak for “him”self.
Thats what my ex wife didnt say. :(
Are you talking about Setsuna? Didnt play it.
Cc2 was going too fast. They showed SE the master disc, which made management furious. TOO SOON!
Lovely story, thank you!
You are a classic example of an asshole.
Dont assume so much.
Very kind of you, thank you!
I just started playing and your tips will help me a lot!
I am a dutchman unaware of what Chelsea Manning did, who trusts his fellow kotakuites more than Google. Whats going on here?
I love you.
And the Prey 2 i wish they would have thrown the budget at.
You are talented.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is he from?
Only developers (and publishers!) with the most ridiculously enormous balls dare to hide the best content of their game behind the fucking ending.
A star wasnt enough, i have to type that i agree with you. So here we go:
First i felt offended. Then i saw your username. Bravo!